Learn@UW Outage, Thursday, October 14, 5:00-7:00am
Posted: 2004-10-10 18:00:00 Expiration: 2004-10-13 18:00:00
There will be a Learn@UW outage (affecting all campuses) from 5-7am on Thursday, October 14th, while the Learn@UW server is migrated.
We will be migrating from our current production Learn@UW database server
cluster to a new 8 CPU database server cluster to address performance
issues. This work has been scheduled for Thursday, October 14th from 5:00
am to 7:30 am.
This migration requires a complete outage for the Learn@UW service during
this timeframe. An outage message will be displayed on all Learn@UW
campus instances during the outage.
This outage will affect Learn@UW for all UW campuses.
Additional outage affecting only UW-Oshkosh:
On Thursday, October 14th, UW Oshkosh's Internet service provider
(WiscNet) will upgrade the "edge router" for UW-Oshkosh. The
work is scheduled to begin at 4:00 am and conclude by 7:30 am. Oshkosh users will not be able to login to Learn@UW during this time. This outage mostly overlaps with the Learn@UW system outage.
-- Dan Voeks