News and Announcements

New FP&M Web Site To Use NetID/Password

Posted: 2005-01-11 18:00:00   Expiration: 2005-01-16 18:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2005-01-11 18:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

An e-mail announcing the new Physical Plant web page will be sent out this week (Jan. 02, 2005). The new page requires NetID/password to access specific information regarding orders, projects, billing, and fleet reservations.


To Physical Plant Website users.

The Physical Plant is replacing its old Website with a new Website and a Business Solutions Portal in January of 2005.

If you have bookmarked your browser to one of the pages within our current Website, it may no longer work after 1/1/05. Instead you will be redirected toward our new Website Home Page.

After reaching our new Home Page you can browse for general information or you can log-in to the Business Solution Portal. Access to specific information regarding work orders, projects, billing, and fleet reservations will now require for you to log in to the portal.

Logging in will require use of your UW Campus NetID and Password. This would be the same as if logging into WiscMail, My UW, etc.

What is a NetID?

The NetID was originally created by DoIT as your method of access to the My UW Madison portal. It will now be used as the formal method of user identification to enable us to provide secure and convenient information and services from the Physical Plant Portal to our customers.

The NetID is a user ID and password combination, available to anyone who has been issued a UW Madison photo ID. It is randomly generated but typically it is your first name initial followed by your last name, all lower case, (ie: jsmith). If you have a WiscMail account, it is that login and password.

If you think you do not have a NetID or have forgotten your NetID or password or need help, call the DoIT Help Desk at 608-264-4357 or visit the NetID Self Help page at

If you are a returning faculty, staff or other user and need to activate your account - Go to the NetID Account Activation page

We hope you find the new website helpful and useful. We encourage feedback on your experience.

Thank You,

UW-Physical Plant Department
Facilities Planning & Management

-- Facilities Planning & Management