News and Announcements

Student email listing in ISIS has changed

Posted: 2005-01-26 18:00:00   Expiration: 2005-02-13 18:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2005-01-26 18:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Students email address listed in ISIS and the campus directory have all been changed to Previously there was a choice between and As of right now, the default email address is and this cannot be changed.

For some 13,000+ currently enrolled students, this is a change. This is the direction that the university is heading to simplify email addresses for all users. As this change trickles down through university systems, you may notice some changes (e.g. your white page listing may change from to, but most users will see no differences.

Changing what is displayed on the from line in the WiscMail web client will not change this ISIS address, although,, and are all aliases to the same account. Mail sent to any of these aliases will be delivered to your email account.

One change that the Help Desk has recognized is users of automated list systems (MadLists, ClassLists, ListServes, etc.) may notice that they cannot post to lists because they are no longer subscribed with their previous email address They should still be able to post with their address instead. This may require changing the "preferred E-mail address" in their email program to be the address.

-- Ozzie Chen