News and Announcements

MacOS X 10.4 (Tiger) released April 29th

Posted: 2005-04-11 18:00:00   Expiration: 2005-05-09 18:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2005-04-11 18:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The next major release of Apple OSX (10.4, named Tiger) became available April 29th.

Features of the new OS include:

  • Spotlight - a new enhanced search tool for the desktop
  • Dashboard - sort of a 2nd desktop used to run useful applications called widgets (Calculators, Calendars, Stock Tickers, Dictionary, Weather and more)
  • Safari RSS - completely new version (2.0)
  • iChat AV - multiway audio/video chat/conferencing application
  • Automator - utility to make and run scripts in OSX
  • Quicktime 7.0 - addition of H.264 video
  • .Mac Syncing - sync information with your .Mac account
  • Voiceover - have your Mac read emails to you and more- enhances overall universal access and adds extra handy keyboard shortcuts
  • Parental Controls - the most family friendly MacOS yet - lock down webbrowsers and control what is accessed on a user account basis.
  • Mail - new version of Apple's Mail includes integrated Spotlight searching and new smartfolders (think smart playlists in iTunes but for Mail)

System Requirements:

Mac OS X Version 10.4 requires a Macintosh with:
  • PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor
  • Built-in FireWire
  • At least 256MB of physical RAM
  • A built-in display or a display connected to an Apple-supplied video card supported by your computer
  • At least 2.0 GB of available space on your hard drive; 3.5GB of disk space if you install XCode 2 developer tools

Note: Mac OS X does not support processor upgrade cards. The amount of disk space required depends on your computer and the way you are installing Mac OS X.

For further information please see the following links: