Topics Map > Technical Support > Remote Access > File Server

Connecting to AAE files - Windows

Instructions for mapping drives to the AAE File Server

Please note: If you are not connected to the campus wireless or wired network, you will need to Setup/Connect Campus VPN BEFORE doing the steps below.

If you have a department-owned Windows desktop, these steps are unnecessary. If you are not automatically receiving your network drives, please contact ITSC Staff immediately.

  1. Right click This PC on the Desktop or on the left in File Explorer and select Map Network Drive

     Map network drive  File Explorer

  2. Enter which network share you wish to connect to. Typically, the address used for the AAE file server is:
    Within that share, you will find the following subfolders:
    • groups - location for most projects and group shares
    • dept - location for adminstrative department files
    • temp - location for community file sharing
    • users\<yourCampusNetID> - your personal private files

    \\\<pi-netid>     If you are working with a PI that has data stored on ResearchDrive, use the preceding address to access that share.
    map network drive address
  3. You can choose to select Reconnect at sign-in depending on your preference for that option.

  4. Click Finish

  5. Fill in your Campus NetID and password in the form <NetID>

    Authentication dialog box

  6. Click OK

file server;windows map 
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Eric D. in Agricultural & Applied Economics
Agricultural & Applied Economics