Using Linux Community servers
On AAE's Linux Community Servers (LINCOMM), users use a text-based command-line style interface.
- Run tmux any time you connect to a LINCOMM server
- tmux allows you to keep programs running if you disconnect from a LINCOMM server - use the command tmux a to re-attach to a disconnected session
- tmux can allow you to multi-window the interface, similar to MacOS or Windows - use the command Ctrl+B, then % to create a vertical split screen
- Read more about how to use tmux
- tmux Command Cheat Sheet
- The AAE file server is mounted at /mnt/aae
- Personal folder at /mnt/aae/users/<yourNetID>
- Personal folder at /mnt/aae/users/<yourNetID>
- Research Drive is mounted at /mnt/rdrive/<PI-NetID>
- When running long jobs, use krenew in the command line. This command checks your authentication with the AAE File Share and automatically renews your access. If you encounter ACCESS DENIED during long jobs, this can be a remedy for that. Use it like krenew -K 60 ./[command-to-be-run] - Ex: krenew -K 60 Rscript myscript.r
- It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you use relative paths in your scripts. This will allow you to edit and run files on multiple machines, in different file paths without having to change the script files each time.
- To run Matlab, use the command matlab -nojvm
- To run a script matlab -nojvm -r "run('myscript.m');exit;"
- To run a script matlab -nojvm -r "run('myscript.m');exit;"
- To run R, use the command R
- To run a script Rscript myscript.r
- To run a script Rscript myscript.r
- to run Stata, use the command stata
- To run a script stata
- To run a script stata
- To run Python 3.x use command python