Course Search & Enroll Accessibility and Usability Information

This document summarizes the accessibility and usability barriers identified during testing as well as how to get help.

Course Search & Enroll is an application where students can search for and enroll in courses, view and select course schedules, view DARS and degree program requirements, and plan what courses to take in future terms.

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Accessibility and usability barriers 

The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist within the Course Search & Enroll application. 

Keyboard navigation barriers may cause difficulty for people with vision or motor disabilities

When navigating the course results list with a keyboard or screen reader, the focus order does not restart at the top of the list upon selecting the “Next page” or “Previous page” buttons. This could make navigating the course list difficult, especially if there are multiple pages of results.

There is one instance of a low contrast focus style for the “Add to cart” button, which could make it difficult for the user to tell where their focus has gone. Additionally, upon selecting "Add to cart," there is a very brief toast notification that contains a "View cart" button. The short duration of this toast notification could make it difficult for keyboard and screen reader users to select the “View cart” button before it disappears. 

Screen reader barriers may cause difficulty for people with vision disabilities

Some status changes are not announced. For example, upon selecting “Search,” there is no announcement of the number of search results returned. Upon selecting “Reset,” there is no announcement to confirm the search criteria have been cleared.

There is one button that does not have a clear, accessible label. This is the “?” button in the upper right that contains the submenu with the “Log out” button.

Throughout the application, specifically on course details pages, many program information links (e.g., “Website,” “Undergraduate info,” etc.) open in a new tab without prior notice to screen reader users.

Additionally, there are some issues with the focus and reading order, as described in the Keyboard navigation barriers.

Magnification barriers may cause difficulty for people with low vision

When the page is magnified to 300% or higher, some main page content is blocked by the fixed top and bottom navigation bars, particularly when trying to view the course results list. 

Course Search & Enroll, CS&E, course search and enroll, course search, enroll, enrollment, courses, classes, registration, class, schedule, scheduling, accessibility, usability, screen reader, keyboard, magnification 
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Leah B. in IT Accessibility and Usability
DoIT Help Desk, IT Accessibility and Usability