3Play Accessibility and Usability Information
3Play Media is a cloud service that provides live captioning, transcription, audio description, and translation and subtitling service.
Get help
For general assistance with 3Play Media, go to the 3Play Media get started page.
For assistance making video or audio content accessible, or using negotiated contract services provided through the Center for User Experience, view the guide on Post-production captioning, transcription, and audio descriptions for pre-recorded events. Reach out to the Center for User Experience with questions or to request consulting.
Additional resources
For more information regarding price plan, go to the Media Captioning, transcription, and audio description vendor rate comparison.
For more information regarding 3Play Media, go to the 3Play Media services page.
Accessibility and usability barriers
The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist.
Screen reader navigation barriers may limit accessibility for users who are blind or have low vision
Multiple services and service levels have no screen reader indication of their status change.
Tooltip content is not reachable via screen readers.
Language drop-down select menu has no screen reader indication of its label.
Multiple buttons on the tutorial page have no screen reader indication of its label, and multiple images missing alt text.
Screen reader users may experience difficulty following instructions on the tutorial page to navigate corresponding elements.
Focus navigation is out of order, users cannot reach the navigation menu until navigate through all page content.
Missing “Skip to Main Content” link.
Keyboard navigation barriers may limit accessibility for some users, such as people with motor disabilities
Tooltip content is not reachable via keyboard.
Focus navigation is out of order, users cannot reach the navigation menu until navigate through all page content.
Low color contrast may limit accessibility for users with color blindness or low vision
Multiple elements of the webpage have low color contrast, including blue link text, light gray text on light blue background, and warning, error, and success messages with a dark green or yellow color scheme.
Magnification barriers may limit accessibility for users with low vision
Inability to access files when the page is magnified between 300% and 400%.
Ordering steps overlap with the “Selected Services” box when the page is magnified to 200%.
The page content does not reflow at 300% magnification, so users have to scroll horizontally.
3Play Media logo is pixelated at 300% magnification.