Residency application Accessibility and Usability Information

This document summarizes the accessibility and usability barriers identified during testing as well as how to get help for the UW-Madison Residency application.

The UW-Madison Residency application is provided by the Office of the Registrar for students to declare a residence for tuition status at UW-Madison. Residence for tuition status is used to calculate tuition rates as resident (in-state) or nonresident (out-of-state). Residence claims are assessed by the Office of the Registrar, Residence for Tuition section. Applicants may be contacted for additional information or documentation after submitting their residency application. 

Get help

For accessibility assistance in completing the residency application, please contact:

The Office of the Registrar, Residence for Tuition

(608) 262-1355

Standard office hours are from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Central Time, Mondays through Fridays 

Additional resources

For more information regarding residency, see the Residence for Tuition website.

Student accessibility and usability barriers

The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist.

Screen reader accessibility barriers may be difficult for people with visual disabilities

Content in modal bypassed

Information modals bypass the text and send users directly to the close button making users navigate backwards into the informational content.

No status update present with action taken in higher education section

When a user adds or deletes a college or higher educational institution to their education history in step 1 of the application, there is no audio confirmation that the action was taken.

Residency, application, admissions, housing, school application 
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Leah B. in IT Accessibility and Usability
IT Accessibility and Usability