Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2020-2021 > 10. April
Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 04-29-21
Approved 05-06-21
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Present: Donna Cole; Jenny
Dahlberg; Tim Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Mallory Musolf;
Leslie Petty; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler
J.J. Andrews, Suzanne Broadberry, Lotus
Buckner, Lesley Fisher, Denny Hackel, Ron Harris, Jessica
Karls-Ruplinger, Darren Martin, Karen Massetti-Moran, Karl Scholz
The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.
The minutes of April 22 were approved.
Deb Shapiro reported on the recent meeting of
the TTC Governance Advisory Committee. The group
looked at materials for the next round of forums with materials on promotion
and progression.
Mallory Musolf reported
that a meeting on Project Distance Education Plus occurred with System faculty
reps on a funding model for this project to incentivize online education.
Academic staff reps did not have a similar meeting, and this project will be
discussed at the upcoming meeting of the academic staff reps.
Bill Tishler
reported on a lunch-and-learn on Division of Continuing Studies shared governance
involvement that was sponsored by the DCS CASI.
J.J. Andrews, Co-Chair, Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and
Financial Aid (CURAFA)
J.J. presented the annual report of CURAFA to ASEC. Each year, the agenda for the committee is
set early in the fall semester, and the committee usually focuses on one key
topic. This year, there were several topics, including a test-optional
admission process, recruitment and enrollment for
students from underrepresented populations, international and out-of-state
admissions, American Indian and Native Alaskan students, and financial aid
adjustments during the pandemic. Regarding test-optional admissions, the
committee analyzed the data, which seems to be moving in a positive direction
in terms of equity. Last year, the committee discussed the impact of climate
issues for underrepresented students. The committee complimented Enrollment
Management for the increases seen in all underrepresented groups. International
and out-of-state enrollment is down, likely due to the pandemic, though the
committee would also like to see a study of external obstacles to enrollment.
American Indian and Native Alaskan enrollment is very low, partially due to how
these enrollment data are tracked. The low figures stress the importance of
relationship-building among tribal populations. Regarding financial aid, the
committee feels more communication is necessary to ensure students realize that
financial aid is a resource throughout the year and not solely at the time of
enrollment. Going forward the committee plans to take a closer look at student
Karl Scholz, Provost
Provost Scholz
reported on early enrollment figures. Students have until May 3 to deposit, so
it is still early to tell at this point. Patterns to date indicate hitting the
goal of 7,610 for freshmen enrollment, and there will be more information
available in the coming weeks.
On the topic of vaccine
use outside of the current emergency use authorization, it remains to be seen
whether the vaccine might be required for certain positions in the future. The Badger
Badge will be available in the summer, and that or something similar
to it will also be present in the fall. Access to certain areas may be
predicated on having a green badge, which can be obtained either via testing at
one of the campus testing sites or with a vaccination on file with University
Health Services. With vaccinations, cost of testing should decrease since fewer
tests will be needed. The contract with Shield T3 will end after graduation,
after which the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab will be processing testing
on campus. Testing sites will use nasal swabs instead of saliva testing. This
week, there is also a much higher number of vaccines available on campus.
Vice Provost for
Teaching and Learning John Zumbrunnen is leading the efforts for the new Center
for Teaching, Learning, and Mentoring. Some colleagues from DoIT and the
Division of Continuing Studies may be joining the center, and there may be some
changes in the Collaborative for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching in
this process as well. Vice Provost Zumbrunnen has made good progress so far,
but the planning for this is still in the early stages.
Provost Scholz
asked ASEC what the most important issues for academic staff are currently.
Issues include: the draft remote work policy and conversations about staff
having worked effectively from home for the last 15 months, combined with
concerns about returning to onsite work; the implementation of single payroll
by UW System, with concerns about employees receiving less pay on a monthly
basis for 10 months out of the year, as well as impacts to the research
enterprise at UW-Madison; the implementation of the Title and Total
Compensation Project and its interconnections with the previous two issues;
diversity, equity, and inclusion regarding academic staff, with attention to
higher level administrative roles and continued advocacy at those levels; caregiving
and workplace flexibilities, with the importance of existing flexibilities; and
emphasis on ways all of these issues are connected, as well as the number of
things that academic staff have been bombarded with over the last year and
wanting to reduce burden wherever possible.
General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC Chair, reported on the town
hall that was held on the draft remote work policy. There was a great deal of
feedback received that mirrored the feedback from ASEC and others. Tim attended
a meeting of the shared governance chairs last Friday. Adrian Lampron was elected as the new ASM
Chair. ASM discussed their latest proposal for COVID
relief for students. The last ASEC listening hours session focused on questions
regarding the availability of infrastructure and tools for possible hybrid
working environments.
Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported on the last Academic Staff
Chat of the semester, which was on obstacles and solutions for research
academic staff. Winners of the Academic Staff Excellence Awards for 2020 and
2021 were recognized at ceremonies on Monday. Jake and Tim will be attending
shared governance sessions for finalists for the Vice Chancellor for Legal
Affairs position, and Jake asked ASEC to provide their availability for similar
sessions for finalists for the Chief Diversity Officer position in late May and
early June. Jake shared a letter from the University Committee to the Provost
and the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education regarding the
Conflict of Commitment policy that asks for both offices to provide a clear and
direct mechanism for questions and feedback on the policy. ASEC agreed to
co-sign the letter with the University Committee.
· Chair Election Procedures
reviewed the election procedures for ASEC Chair and Vice Chair with ASEC and
provided a list of duties for each role. Nominations will open on May 6, with
the election taking place at the May 20 meeting. ASEC will also review its
operating procedures at the May 6 meeting.
Lotus Buckner, Director of Talent Management, Office of Human Resources;
Jessica Karls-Ruplinger, Chief of Staff, Office of
Human Resources; Karen Massetti-Moran, Director of
Total Rewards, Office of Human Resources
has received a great deal of feedback on the draft remote work policy. They are
still sorting through the feedback and are waiting until mid-May to finalize
the policy. OHR is also working on tools for
employees, supervisors, and the HR community to support the policy, as well as an
automated workflow process. OHR also released a
survey to get insights on remote work, as well as the onsite experience. That
survey closes today and has received 7,000 responses so far. OHR will use these data to get a good pulse of employees’
feelings on issues around remote and onsite work.
Regarding single payroll, a timeline has been
provided for both 9- and 12-month employees, and OHR
has received many concerns about the transition in July. There have been
discussions on a possible short-term loan program to roll out in June, with
interest-free loans to cover that two-week transition time
period, particularly for lower paid employees. There will be a forum for
9-month employees next week. There remain many questions about the workload
associated with payroll for grants, and there are regular discussions about
these issues with UW System. They are trying to schedule a meeting about
trainee grants. Jim Thompson from the Office of Strategic Consulting is
interviewing HR reps on how processes will need to change in general, and there
may be a need to do this in the grants space as well.
The April forums on the Title and Total
Compensation Project were well attended, with 1,122 views so far of the forum,
either live or recorded. There were an additional 130 attendees for the late-night
session. OHR is rolling out manager training to
schools/colleges/divisions. ASEC asked OHR about
connections between TTC and remote work and suggested
that there are opportunities to have subject matter experts provide input about
whether or not certain jobs could function effectively
in a remote environment.
Recessed at 4:05pm.
Reconvened at 4:08pm.
· May Assembly Agenda – for approval
decided to move forward with a letter to UW System on single payroll. ASEC
discussed a proposed resolution on remote work and added it to the agenda.
Motion to approve the May Assembly agenda (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
· Topics for Guests
how things are going with online
undergraduate program; how recruitment is going for online students
VCRGE: OVCRGE’s thoughts
on remote work policy; mechanisms for input on research safety policies during
the pandemic; conflict of commitment; perspective on single pay
Meeting adjourned at 4:58 p.m.
submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff