Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2021-2022 > 01. July
Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 07-15-21
Approved 07-29-21
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:15 p.m.
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Present: Tim Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Stephanie
Jones; Mallory Musolf; Leslie Petty; Lindsey Stoddard
Cameron; Bill Tishler
Guests: Lesley Fisher, Angela Kita, Sarina Lotlikar, Karen Massetti-Moran,
Karl Scholz, Mark Walters
The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.
The minutes of June 24 were approved.
General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC Chair, reported on the two
ASEC listening hours that he attended since the last ASEC meeting. Topics
raised include reopening, feedback on TTC
conversation process, and CASI engagement. At the latest meeting of the chiefs
of staff, chairs, and secretaries, concerns were also raised about
communications for 9-month employees regarding return to onsite work, as well
as communications in general regarding concerns about the increased infection
rates due to the variants. Employee appreciation days will be held on July 20,
July 27, and August 4. From a survey that was conducted of students with
housing contracts, 95% of respondents indicated that they were vaccinated.
Vaccination rates are high in Dane County, and campus is working at the unit
and individual level to encourage uploading of vaccination status to UHS. On the topic of building repairs, Humanities will
require more repairs, and Van Hise repairs should be
completed by November 11. The remote work agreement form will be available as
of July 25. Tim met with the new ASM Chair and Vice Chair
on July 7 to discuss priorities for the year ahead, and the governance chairs
will be meeting monthly throughout the year.
Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported
on the status of the state budget, having been signed by the Governor, with
$8.25 million set aside for UW System. Communication will be coming regarding
earning statements on July 30 for employees switching from monthly to biweekly
pay, specifically that the earnings cover July 1-17 and not the whole month.
ASEC has been asked to provide appointees to a committee to look at faculty
legislation regarding access to electronic files concerning instructors and
researchers. The Secretary’s Office will put out a call for candidates.
Campus-wide TTC forums will be held on August 10 and
11. ASEC agreed that former ASEC member Deb Shapiro should continue serving on
the TTC Governance Advisory Committee until the
project is implemented. Jake shared information about the remodeling of 272
Bascom Hall with regard to future Assembly meetings.
Liaison Reports
Mallory Musolf reported on the status of the UW System Presidential
Search Committee as discussed by the System Reps. The Reps sent communications to
Regent President Manydeeds and Regent Vice President Walsh
reemphasizing the importance of governance consultation during the search
process. Regent Walsh responded and stated that another academic staff member
would be added to the committee.
Stephanie Elkins
reported that the Wisconsin Public Media CASI is fully staffed again and is
discussing a public-facing webpage. Work on ethical guidelines continues, and
WPM HR also discussed CASI consultation regarding constitution of search and
screen committees.
Provost Scholz announced that the new Center for
Teaching, Learning, and Mentoring exists as of July 1. Vice Provost for
Teaching and Learning John Zumbrunnen and colleagues are working on the
organization of the center and building the team. The center has some devoted
space on Henry Mall, though physical space for the entire organization
continues to be a challenge. There are 55 people who are a part of the center
who have moved from DoIT, the Division of Continuing Studies, and the
Collaborative for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching.
International Student Services and International
Faculty and Staff Services have merged and are now part of the International
Division. Ron Machoian is the new director. Physical
space is also an issue for this newly merged organization, and the hope is that
this issue will be resolved in the next 12-18 months.
Regarding plans for fall semester, on July 25, OHR
will be providing the electronic tools to document remote work agreements. Concerns
about the Delta variant have been raised, and there have been videos earlier in
the week in InsideUW that address developments in
this area. Information indicates that vaccines remain effective in combating
the variant.
On the state budget, it included some items that
benefit UW System and UW-Madison. We will continue to work with our partners in
the state and make the case for why investment in public higher education is
A question was raised about how Juneteenth will be
recognized in the future, now that it has been made a
federal holiday. As a state agency, we will take our cue from the state for how
it will be handled going forward, and there will be other ways in which the
institution will recognize Juneteenth as well.
In response to a question regarding technology for
hybrid meetings, campus is currently doing an inventory of capacity in this
space. There was also a question regarding international students. Things are
easing up somewhat, but we are continuing to plan pathways for first-year
international students to proceed with their education if they aren’t
physically able to be here, as well as more specialized plans for other
undergraduate and graduate students.
· ASEC Orientation
A brief orientation session on ASEC duties and
procedures was conducted.
· 2021-22 ASEC Liaison Assignments
ASEC began discussing liaison assignments to standing committees and CASIs for
the coming year. ASEC will return to this issue at a future meeting.
· 2020-21 Academic Staff Assembly Statistics
ASEC reviewed statistics for meeting
attendance and communication from Assembly representatives for the 2020-21
academic year. On average, district communication was lower than last year and meeting attendance was higher.
Mark Walters, Chief Human Resources Officer; and Karen Massetti-Moran,
Director of Total Rewards, Office of Human Resources
OHR has been creating remote work resources
for schools, colleges, and divisions across campus to use, and these are now
available. The remote work agreement form will be launched on July 25.
Agreements should be executed by the end of August. After the policy was
approved on May 19, there continue to be modifications, including interpretation
of business necessity in the policy. There are some countries where employees
may have difficulty returning to the United States. Language may also be added
addressing immigration issues. Remote work agreements can be initiated at any
time, and arrangements may evolve over time. There will be the ability to go
back into the system and modify the agreement as needed.
We are now technically in single payroll
status. A note of clarification has been added to the July 30 earning statement
to say that the statement is for July 1 – July 17. We will proceed biweekly
after that. OHR has received approximately 700 applications for the short-term
loan program, and a spike is expected in that number soon. There was also an
encumbrance issue when the data was migrated, though that issue will be fixed
this coming weekend. OHR will be doing outreach to 9-month employees on single
payroll impacts. There are pending questions on impacts in the research space,
and OHR is looking at benchmarks for monthly processing vs. biweekly
conversations are proceeding, and OHR is homing in on problem areas with
certain titles. On the issue of the 2.0 FTE requirement for manager titles, OHR
is working with a UW System Advisory Group on a narrow exception process to
this requirement. There was a question on this issue when some employees were
learning about their new title and weren’t able to
have a certain manager title because of that requirement. This is also partly
due to the market data that was gathered and links back to the job duties for
these positions. Regarding the September 10 deadline for conversations, the
deadline can’t be moved due to the systematic changes that are needed for
implementation. There is currently a lag between holding the conversations and
moving completion records through the automated system. If conversations are
not completed by that deadline, employees will be given the title they were
initially mapped to, with communications to both employees and supervisors on
what needs to happen at that point.
· Topics for Guests
VCSA: cumulative statement on support for students (follow-up on funds distributed to students); goals for coming year; relations with ASM; plans for recruiting/retaining Native American students
OHR: remote work policy updates, TTC updates, update on single pay loan program
Meeting adjourned at 4:17 p.m.
submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff