Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2012-2013 > 03. September

Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 09-20-12

Approved 9-27-2012


2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Members present:  Daña Alder, Vice-Chair; Marwa Bassiouni, Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Denny Hackel, Heather McFadden, Jim Maynard, Jeff Shokler, Chair; Erin Silva

Members absent: Robert Newsom
Guests: Deb Brauer, PPPC; Greg Bump, UC; Wayne Feltz, GS CASI; Steve Lund, APO; Nicci Schmidt, GS CASI; Steve Stern, Vice Provost; Karen Tusack, CEBC.
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.  

The minutes for Thursday, September 6, 2012, and Monday, September 10, 2012, were approved.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: MASA and ASEC are co-sponsoring an October 3rd brownbag on the HR Design.


Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee – Jenny Dahlberg/Karen Tusack: The committee continues to work with APO to finalize the layoff document and is consulting with the Ad Hoc Committee on Budget Issues, Policies, and Strategies to discuss the pay portfolio.


Chair – Jeff Shokler: Jeff reported that ASEC’s request for academic staff involvement in the flexible degree program has received good support.  The Ad Hoc Committee on Budget Issues, Policies, and Strategies has identified the committee’s priorities including a potential role for advising on the inclusion of data collection and assessment in the HR Design Plan implementation. The ASM Governance Chair has indicated interest in joining ASEC and UC at weekly meetings.

Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff – Jo Ann Carr:  PDRC is reviewing the online submission tool. Planning for the 2013 Academic Staff Institute begins next week.

GUEST: Steve Stern, Associate Vice Chancellor: Steve initiated a discussion on the implementation of the Critical Compensation Fund by distributing a document prepared for the Chairs/Directors’ Leadership Summit. He encouraged ASEC to share reactions from academic staff, perhaps by compiling a logbook of the issues that arose in implementation. He also stressed the importance of an OHR review of data from this exercise in October and November. The evaluation of this initial use of CCF should consider issues of equity, GPR and non-GPR implementation, and the clarity of the process for implementing this tool. Steve also reported that Interim Chancellor Ward has indicated that the CCF tool is one that we expect to use again although the periodicity of its use will need to be contextualized within other factors in a grid of pay plan tools. ASEC expressed concern that examples specific to academic staff were not included in the single document of instructions for implementation. Steve also commented on HR Design issues and indicated issues of equity can be addressed through the inclusion of minima and maxima raises as part of a salary exercise based on percentages; that gender equity might be able to be included in a compensation study; and that the appropriate number of promotional steps needs to be carefully examined. 

GUEST: Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office – HR Design: Steve announced that the HR Design Plan should be posted on the OHR web site tomorrow and distributed a draft document on 15 Misconceptions about the HR Design Strategic Plan for ASEC review. ASEC also stressed the need for increased communication and the importance of having data as the plan is implemented. ASEC inquired about the potential impact of current legal issues regarding Act 10 and Steve responded that the campus response would depend on the extent of the ruling


·      HR Design: The Graduate School CASI introduced their letter regarding communication of the HR Design and the need to address emotional and reactive responses to HR design. ASEC supports the recommendations in this letter.

·      Identification of topics for Chancellor’s presentation at October 8 Assembly meeting: Jo Ann and Jeff will communicate to the Chancellor that topics of interest might include the next steps in CCF, learning his perspective on the HR Design Plan and how it positions UW in respect to other universities in the U.S. and in meeting the needs of changing higher education.

·      Review of 2012-2013 Academic Staff Governance priorities (deferred)

·      Review of 2011-2012 Academic Staff Governance annual report: ASEC provided an initial review of this report.

·      Next ASEC Meeting, September 27, 2012– for decision

·      Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) [Moved by Heather Daniels, seconded by Denny Hackel]

-   Committee Appointments/Recommendations– for decision

§  HR Design: Moved to accept slate for Ad Hoc HR Design: [Moe by Heather Daniels, seconded by Jim Maynard. Approved with one abstention.]

§  Approved the appointment of a new representative for district 428-[Moved by Jim Maynard, seconded by Marwa Bassiouni. Approved unanimously.]

§  Discussed the process for identifying potential members of the L&S Dean Search and Screen Committee

-   Reconvene in Open Session: [Moved by Daña Alder, seconded by Heather Daniels.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff.

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff