272 Bascom Hall Monday, November 11, 2013 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Vice Chancellor Darrell Bazzell called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
A moment of silence was observed in commemoration of Veterans Day.
Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, October 14, 2013 were approved as distributed.
Guest: Chancellor Rebecca Blank. Chancellor Blank discussed her activities since arriving at Madison including touring the state and the other UW System campuses. She talked about her priorities which include attracting and retaining talented faculty and staff; stabilizing and improving relations with state legislature and others; attracting and educating the best and brightest students; and insuring that UW-Madison advances on the frontiers of research.
Standing Committee and Other Reports • ASEC – ASEC Chair Heather McFadden reported ASEC’s work on the Critical Compensation Fund, including the parameters and the communications plan. She also reported about ASEC’s meeting with Dean Shim. She solicited nominees for the Purchasing Director Search & Screen Committee.
• Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee – Co-chair Jenny Dahlberg reported that CEBC is working on the following priorities this year: portfolio of tools, multiple roles issue, and a review of the current structure of promotional steps.
• Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff with Multiple Roles – Co-chair Robert Newsom reported that this committee has been dissolved by ASEC. CEBC will continue to work on this issue and invite previous committee members to serve as consultants on this project.
• Professional Development and Recognition Committee – Co-chair Curtis Ryals reported that the deadline for schools/colleges/divisions to turn in professional development grants is November 15.
Business Criticial Compensation Fund Announcement Bob Lavigna gave a brief presentation on the guidelines for this year’s Critical Compensation Fund exercise. One percent of payroll will be allocated. Colleges/schools/divisions must spend 1% of all funds (both GPR and non-GPR) to give 20-30% of academic staff raises. At least 50% of awards must be given to academic staff not receiving a CCF adjustment last year.
Bob reported that the effective dates for this exercise are December 1 through April 1, 2014. Email containing guidelines and targets will be sent to deans, directors and all employees. The minimum raise for academic staff is 2% or $1,200, whichever is higher. It will be possible for academic staff to exceed the Category A maxima in some cases with the use of the extraordinary salary range.
Assembly Standing Committees Annual Report • Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee – Co-chair Jenny Dahlberg reported that this past year was spent working on projects with other committees.
• Mentoring Committee – Co-chair Brenda Spychalla reported that the committee matched 83 mentoring pairs last year. This was double the number from the previous year. They added a new spring event for networking, started a Linked In group, and administered a satisfaction survey.
• Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee – Linda Scholl reported that PPPC spent much of the year preparing for HR Design and its impact on ASPP. They continued their rolling review of ASPP and brought changes before the Assembly.
• Professional Development Recognition Committee – Curtis Ryals reported that 29 out of 84 professional development proposals were funded last year. They have traditionally funded 75% of these proposals and would like to seek additional funding for these grants this year. They added a new Excellence Award for Research in the Arts and Humanities. Five out of 21 Executive Education grant applications were funded last year.
Vice Chancellor Darrell Bazzell’s Remarks: Vice Chancellor Bazzell reported on the new Classified Staff Executive Committee that was recently elected. The classified staff had 22% election response. He also mentioned the Budget Allocation committee is working on a white paper to address the following issues regarding the current budget model: making a case for change, identifying options/models to be further considered, and suggesting the next steps in this process.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m.
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff