Topics Map > Communications Committee (CC) > 2010-2011

Communications Committee Agenda 11-12-10

Academic Staff Communications Committee


November 12, 2010

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

302 Teacher Education Building (conference room just outside the main entrance to the MERIT Library at the top of the stairs)


1.) Announcements and Review of Minutes from September 10, 2010 meeting. (October 8, 2010 meeting was cancelled.). Scroll to the bottom of this entry for the attached document of the minutes.

2.) Continue any discussions that are listed in the September 10 minutes.

Tie this into #3, below. NOTE: Discuss academic staff survey and strategies to do any additional surveys to tailored parts of the academic staff (by job function/position title, percentage appointment, etc.).

3.) Review of Communications Plan (posted online):

BIG PICTURE conversation about the Plan and goals of the committee for 2010-2011. What do we still want to do? What are some new ideas? How does the Academic Staff Survey results play a role in this Plan

**Some ideas, for starters, can be:

a.) Profiling individual Academic Staff Assembly Representatives and writing stories about them that would be on the Academic Staff Website.

b.) Creating an academic staff governance newsletter, and/or a document of profiles that is unique to academic staff. Build on what is already on academic staff website.

c.) Personalizing the Academic Staff Assembly more. Perhaps plan socials of Assembly Representatives and/or more informal brown bag sessions about topics and issues of mutual interest.

d.) Additional ideas?

4.) Content Management System (CMS) Website Update (new system being planned that DoIT will take the Academic Staff Website to the next step in effectively navigating the website).

5.) Any additional items for this meeting?

6.) Next Meeting: Friday, December 10, 2010, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., 302 Teacher Education


CC Agenda 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff