Topics Map > Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC) > 2011-2012

Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Minutes 12-14-11

Minutes of the CEBC Meeting on December 14, 2011



Ana Araujo
Lea Aschkenase
Michele Mickelson
Robert Purvis
Eliza Waters
Alex Widerski
Beth Ann Workmaster





1.       Lay-off Communications


A draft of an information document was circulated. The headings were noted as being very appropriate. The content is friendly and informative.

Dissemination issues to people receiving layoff notices

·         People getting layoff notices should have access to the document/web page.

·         See if APO would add a link/reference to the standard letters.

·         An electronic document could be linked from a CEBC web page. Could be a PDF file.

·         Consideration can be given to creating a web page.

·         A face-to-face meeting can be a part of the layoff notification process. Perhaps the people involved in those meetings could provide the information at that time, too.

·         Having multiple ways of getting the information to people receiving layoff notices could be responsive to different situations that academic staff may find themselves plus could increase the likelihood that the information would reach those academic staff.

·         Email may be a problem if someone who has received the notice is not available to read the email. This could be a timing issue.

·         This document should be findable on APO’s website. Goggle searches on the UW site should find it.

·         Coordination with existing communications processes.


Increasing awareness generally

·         A post card or something similar could be distributed to raise awareness of layoff issues, rights, and information sources – based in part on the headings. Perhaps a design person (Academic Staff Communications Committee?) could help with an appealing presentation.

·         The distribution would go to all academic staff.

·         Expense could be an issue in creating a post card. Perhaps a well-designed HTML email would be more efficient. However, having a physical document could be stored and perhaps in some cases, it would be preferred to an email.


Layoff issues

·         Benefits may be lost if the academic staff member does not understanding constraints, such as in being able to pay for unused vacation days if the grant is ending.


Next steps

·         CEBC members should send comments to Beth, Karen and Ana.

·         Dennis will contact APO for suggestions about dissemination.

·         The document will be finalized at the next meeting.

·         ASEC will be sent the document with ideas for dissemination. Suggestions for involvement of the Communications Committee will be included.

·         Look at FAQs to see if modifications would be appropriate to provide access to this information.


Possible future project: Nonrenewal communications. In the future, nonrenewals may be used instead of layoffs.


2.       Budget Committee Report (Dennis)


The Committee was asked for input on how available funds might be used to help people who have received a layoff notice. Ideas included:

·         Retention funds for researchers who have lost their funding

·         Pay for unused vacation days

·         Career counseling

·         Helping people with bridging their health insurance after layoff (information about this is available on the web). Question raised about a possible subsidized COBRA program. Look into sick leave issues, too.

·         Providing training/education opportunities


3.       CEBC Membership


Dennis, Beth, Eliza and Ana are going off the CEBC. At the next meeting, we will discuss how to best prepare for this change.


4.       Next meeting


The next meeting will be January 23, 9 AM, Psychology Building, Rm. 338 (the Berkowitz room).

KeywordsCEBC Minutes   Doc ID39578
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2014-04-28 10:01:24Updated2020-07-13 16:07:24
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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