Topics Map > Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC) > 2009-2010

Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Minutes 8-24-09

Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee – Shared Governance

Minutes of August 24th, 2009



Attending – Simmons, Wollack, Workmaster, Ray, Diermyer, Schoenherr, Widerski



CEBC Chair Election – by acclamation, Miriam Simmons will remain chairperson for the 2009-10 academic year.



Annual Benefits Fair in October – CEBC will not have its own table at the event, but will be part of ASEC’s booth.



Instructional Leave Proposal is now with ASEC and the Provost.


 Category A Salary Maxima Report Discussion

Workmaster asked for a more-detailed explanation of work titles/groups that have been collapsed in tables on pages 7 and 9.

Tables 4 and 5 are a subset of Table 3a.

Highlight conclusions drawn from data/tables.

The Extraordinary Salary Range (ESR) has addressed the problem by one third but it has done so inequitably.

Simmons and Workmaster suggested moving Table 1 to an appendix.

Wollack suggested adding a fourth sub-table to Table 3:



Promotable Excluded

Table 3c

Table 3a




Promotable Included

4th Table

Table 3b




KeywordsCEBC Minutes   Doc ID39659
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2014-04-30 10:11:33Updated2020-07-13 16:07:24
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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