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Professional Development and Recognition Committee Minutes 9-10-13

PDRC Meeting Minutes
Sept 10, 2013    
10:00-11:00 am Memorial Union

Attendance: Colleen Barrett, Amy Hawley, Elisabeth Foster, Bob Agasie, Curtis Ryals, John Klatt, Ralph Grunewald, Scott Mellor, Jay Ford, Jeff Armstrong
1. Announcements – Welcomed new members, Jay Ford and Jeff Armstrong
2. Automatic Consent Business – Minutes for August 2013 - approved

3.  New Member Orientation

o PDRC – Curtis
    Cutis gave an overview of the committee’s duties

o PD Grants – Danielle
    2 rounds, Fall and Spring
    Number of grants submitted and awarded changes
    Want to increase the amount of award money

o Executive Ed Grants – Colleen and Ralph
    For Academic Staff Professional Development
    20-30 grant submissions are usually received in the spring
    Colleen has a written SOP for chairs to follow

o Awards – Elisabeth and John
    Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence
    Usually receive 8-10 apps per award
    Recognizes excellence in Teaching and Research
    Chairs and Chair elect appointed for each grant type

4. Standing Sub-committees report

o PD grants- Danielle and Amy
    Danielle is working on the call.  It will go to Mary by the end of the week
    Two brown bags will be scheduled in early October
    On-line system – Discussed issues with Heather Daniels.  She will try to find funding to fix the system.  The smaller issues may be resolved by submission time this fall and work towards the entire system being fixed by spring session.  Danielle to make a “How To” document to put on the website as guidelines.  The call for submissions will go out next week.

o Executive Education Grants – Colleen
    Ralph is new chair, Jay Ford is co-chair
    No update until next January

o Awards – Elisabeth
    Changing the date for award apps to be submitted was discussed with Heather.  She was open to the change.  We suggested that the new date by 1/6/2014 (2 weeks earlier than last year).  This gives us a little more time to review apps.  UW System deadlines are not out yet.  Website will need to be updated.  We need to review and update criteria for each award, if needed.  John to send out current award criteria to the chairs of each award for review.  Jeff Armstrong will serve as co-chair

Humanities Award – New last year (funding for only one year).  There is support to do it again this year, but need to find funding.  Danielle to approach Martha Casey for suggestions on how we might be able to fund this important award.  We don’t want to circumvent ASEC.  

Program Grants – A daycare group has inquired as to whether we will fund a program grant.  These are submitted along with the PD grants and reviewed in the same manner with the rest of the PD grants.

5. Committee business

o Elect PDRC co-chair, Awards sub-committee co-chair, Exec. Ed sub-committee co-chair
    Scott Mellor is resigning from PDRC – he has been assigned to a task force which will not allow him time to be on PDRC
    Recommending Allison Rice to come back to the committee if nominating committee agrees
    Leah took another position outside of the UW
    PDRC Chair Elect – Bob Agasie, nominated and seconded
    Awards Chair Elect – Jeff Armstrong, nominated and seconded
    Exec. Ed Chair Elect – Jay Ford, nominated and seconded

o Finalization of SOP’s
    Scott edited the SOP’s and posted them on the my ebspace
    Everyone should read these over and provide feedback

o Funding request update
    Curtis is getting historical data of awards
    Need to approach Provost for additional funding

6. ASEC updates

o Prioritization meeting
    One priority is to lobby for morale increase recognition for Ac. Staff.
    Should we recognize “runner-ups” for awards?  This seems to be problematic.  What are other recognitions options that do not need funding?
    Our committees priorities:
        1. Humanities Award Continuation
        2. More grant money to award
        3. Fixing the electronic system

o Membership increase
    We need to update ASPP to allow an increase of committee members – Curtis is working on this.
We are looking at bringing in older committee member or past awardees to help review grant applications to help alleviate some burden

o    Liaison – Kevin Niemi is liaison to ASEC – Can still go through Heather Daniels for “big ticket’ items

o    Website updates

7.  Other business
    Data – Discussed doing in depth analysis of grant and award data

PDRC minutes 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff