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Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 09-25-14

Approved 10-2-14
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, September 25, 2014
67 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Marwa Bassiouni; Bruno Browning; Denny Hackel; Trish Iaccarino; Heather McFadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Robert Newsom, Kevin Niemi, Vice-Chair

Guests: Catharine DeRubeis, Steve Lund, Sarah Mangelsdorf, Noel Radomski, Jeff Russell, Jake Smith, Bill Tishler

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

The minutes of September 18 and September 22, 2014, were approved without changes.

Guest: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost
Bruno Browning began a discussion with Provost Mangelsdorf on the academic staff CASIs (Committee on Academic Staff Issues).  Bruno had served on the L&S CASI when it first began.  Bill Tishler also talked about his experience with the Division of Continuing Studies CASI.  CASIs can help with administration of local awards, providing a sound board for the dean/director, giving input on policies, etc.  

Provost Mangelsdorf noted that several of the units listed as not having CASIs report to the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, Darrell Bazzell.  It was suggested there could be a joint letter from the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration encouraging units without CASIs to form one.  Provost Mangelsdorf said she would mention this idea with the Darrell Bazzell that afternoon.  

The Deans’ retreat was held on Wednesday, September 24. The deans spent time discussing budget models proposed by the ad hoc committee.  The deans are generally supportive of a budget model based on activities, but the details are extremely important.  

Guest: Jeff Russell, Dean of Continuing Studies and Vice Provost for Lifelong Learning

Dean Jeff Russell provided ASEC with an update on a strategic plan for lifelong learning.  The campus does not have a plan as students have historically been considered to be residential, degree-seeking students.  The strategic plan can address issues like how to have a transcript, how to pay instructors more easily, and how to market opportunities.  They are holding some additional town meetings and engage other schools/colleges.  Many of the other schools/colleges also have lifelong learning opportunities that they manage.  These schools/colleges need to work together with the Division of Continuing Studies (DCS) to address some of the administrative issues around these programs.

Dean Russell also talked about working with academic staff governance to take advantage of courses offered by DCS and recognize the work of academic staff.  ASEC pointed him to the Executive Education Grants competition currently held through the Professional Development and Recognition Committee.  Lastly, Dean Russell discussed his suggestion of an ad hoc committee with the University Committee to address multiple roles for academic staff.

General Reports
•    Chair Heather McFadden reported the University Committee met with D2P staff on Monday.  John Biondi from D2P will visit ASEC on October 9.  She hopes to have final language for the legislation on hostile and intimidating behavior ready soon.
•    Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels asked whether she should send a survey from the supervisor networking group to all academic staff or the Assembly reps.  She was advised to send it to all academic staff.  She also sent around a schedule so ASEC members could record their anticipated absences.  Heather D. also asked whether ASEC wanted to cancel the Provost next week due to the visit by the Chancellor.  They agreed.

Liaison Reports
•    Bruno Browning gave an updated on the first University Academic Planning Council meeting.  The council approved a new program option for rural medicine and the renaming of the classics department.  There was a lot of discussion about whether to require students to fulfill the ethnic studies requirement in the first 60 credits.  This was approved by the council.  The council tabled approving funding to upgrade the UW-Madison tracking system to enforce this requirement.  

Guest: Steve Lund and Catharine DeRubeis, Academic Personnel Office (APO)
Steve and Catharine presented a draft document that would operationalize the post-promotion or progression series review.  To receive an adjustment, satisfactory performance is necessary but not sufficient.  This review would not include rehired annuitants.  ASEC suggested including program manager and other non-promotable title series, as well as reviewing academic staff every five years, not just once as is done for the faculty.  In addition, ASEC suggested adding change of duties as a reason to give a raise, and also raise the maximum for market or equity adjustments.  APO will make changes and send another draft back to ASEC.

•    Balance of Power between ASA and ASEC
Noel Radomski suggested that ASEC provide handouts from their meetings to the Assembly reps, and provide reports electronically of meetings between ASEC and other committees.  He also brought up the consistency of appointing representatives to committee, and sending a template letter to district representatives asking academic staff to serve on committee.  There was a far ranging discussion about these options.  ASEC will discuss further and then bring Noel back for an additional discussion.
•    October Assembly Agenda
ASEC reviewed the October Assembly Agenda.  They will bring this year’s priorities back to the Assembly for a vote in November.
•    Next ASEC Meeting, October 2, 2014 – for decision
•    October Assembly agenda-for approval
•    Discussion of appointments to Campus Planning Committee
•    Hostile and intimidating behavior legislation
•    Guests: Chancellor Rebecca Blank, Toni Ziegler

Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss nominations for the Dean of the Graduate School Search and Screen Committee and appointment to the Communications Committee (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Motion to nominate Mallory Musolf, Sharon Kahn, Mary Possin, and Tanya Cobb for the Dean of the Graduate School Search and Screen Committee with the provision that no more than one academic staff member from Letters and Science would serve on the committee.  Seconded. Approved.

Motion to appoint Mary Farrell-Stieve to the Communications Committee. Seconded. Approved.

Reconvened in Open Session (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

KeywordsASEC Minutes   Doc ID43830
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2014-10-03 16:16:24Updated2020-07-13 15:28:37
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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