ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 3:35 p.m. Thursday, September 24, 2015
67 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Trish Iaccarino; Heather Mc Fadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi; Deb Shapiro
Guests: Lori Berquam, Carmen Hotvedt, Jeanette Kowalik, Jake Smith, Sarah Van Orman, Molly Zemke
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Vice Chair Kevin Niemi.
The minutes of September 10, 2015, were approved.
General Reports
• ASEC Chair Heather McFadden reported on issues at the University Committee meeting. The University Committee talked about the AAU survey regarding sexual assault. The Athletic Board has formed a small committee to look at rewriting hiring policies for the Board. Heather M. and Heather Daniels met with Benefits Services employees. There will be a short report regarding the upcoming changes to benefits regarding the health plan at the October Assembly Meeting. Mark Walters and Patrick Sheehan told Heather M. and Heather D. that the Office of Human Resources are still trying to figure out the FLSA changes and the exact effects on UW-Madison. The Office of Human Resources have delayed the choice option for university staff, who could become academic staff because of the FLSA changes.
• Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that she met with the School of Medicine and Public Health CASI to give them an update on campus shared governance issues. She reported briefly on faculty concerns regarding a University of Chicago survey. The Secretary of the Academic Staff office sent out letters to standing committee chairs regarding their responsibilities as chair for the first time this year. Heather D. and Jake met with the Nominating Committee. The secretary’s office will now prepare the list of vacancies for standing committees as well as shared governance committees. Heather D. attended the UW System Tenure Task Force meeting. The task force spent quite a bit of time asking questions about the overall UW System policy and how it would be applied to individual campuses. In addition, someone asked the chair about the letter from ASEC and the UW-Milwaukee Executive Committee. The chair answered that they were working on a response. Lastly, there are no expected changes to indefinite appointments for the UW-Madison campus.
Liaison Reports
Ad Hoc Committee on Chapter 6 FPP: Bruno Browning reported that this committee plans to finish its work up late next week.
Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Supervisors: This committee is continuing to meet.
UW System Academic Staff Reps: University staff and students were included in this meeting for the first time. There were discussions about tenure and changes to Wisconsin statutes Chapter 36. Kevin asked specifically about changes that were made to insert language that procedures for terminating academic staff due to certain budget or program changes would include consultations with the chancellor and faculty, but not academic staff. ASPRO has also been asking about this item. David J. Ward talked about the new accountability dashboard. There was discussion about the $25 million lapse. UW-Madison received $4 million of this due to it being distributed differentially.
The titling and compensation study is moving forward. David Miller and Darrell Bazzell will send a joint letter to President Cross and Chancellor Blank requesting the study.
Guests: Carmen Hotvedt and Molly Zemke, University Health Services (UHS)
Molly presented a program that has been developed for new employees and new graduate students. This was developed in response to changes in the Clery Act and Violence Against Women Act. UHS has been working on the program for the past 6 months. The program is now available publically, but UHS is still collecting and incorporating feedback.
• October Assembly Agenda
The agenda item regarding benefits will be listed separately on the agenda.
• Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff Titling and Compensation Charge
ASEC made a couple minor changes to the charge as presented. There was a motion to approve the charge (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
• Distinguished Prefix Review
A review of how the new criteria are working was mandated by the 2011 revised policy that was approved by the Assembly. ASEC will revisit this topic later in the fall and take action to form a committee charged with this review.
• Topics for Discussion with Chancellor
ASEC has the following topics for the chancellor: update on academic calendar issue; what is her definition of the status quo for shared governance; inclusion of academic staff and determining the composition of a search and screen committee prior to naming members to the committee; AAU sexual assault data; new research data center; inclusion of academic staff in future fundraising campaigns; and relationship with members of the Board of Regents.
• Next ASEC Meeting, October 1, 2015 – for decision
-October Assembly Agenda – for decision
-Category A proposal
-Guests: Mark Walters, Office of Human Resources; Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
Guests: Sarah Van Orman, University Health Services, and Lori Berquam, Dean of Students
The process around the AAU climate survey on sexual assault and sexual misconduct began approximately 18 months ago. Members of the AAU approached the association and asked them to do this survey. The AAU contracted with a survey research firm. 27 institutions participated in the survey including UW-Madison. It was sent to all students including graduate and professional students. 22.2% of students at UW-Madison completed the survey. This compared to a 19% response rate nationally. The respondents were a reasonable representative sample of the campus. UW-Madison received the results in August, and they were reviewed by a task force on campus. 27.6% of undergraduate female students reported a sexual assault. The greatest risk is during their first year on campus. Alcohol was a common factor. More than 50% of respondents had seen an incapacitated student headed for a sexual encounter. Undergraduates on the UW-Madison campus did report greater awareness of resources on campus than the national average.
Sexual harassment was also very prevalent for graduate students. A significant number of these were workplace related. The survey provides an overall baseline of data on the student experience in this area.
The next steps include increasing prevention efforts for incoming students. This is also important for the Greek system on campus. Graduate and professional students will be provided with education around these issues. UW-Madison will also expand victim advocacy services by increasing resources to respond to gender-based violence and create opportunities for deeper engagement.
Convened in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss appointment to Project Team to Develop Children in the Workplace Policy. Motion: Newsom. Seconded. Approved.
Motion to reconvene in open session (Moscicke). Seconded. Approved.
• Motion to appoint Brooke Norsted to Project Team to Develop Children in Workplace Policy. Seconded. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 4:22 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff