Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2015-2016 > 08. February

Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 02-04-16

Approved 2-18-16
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, February 4, 2016
67 Bascom Hall

Members Present:  Aaron Crandall; Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Michael Moscicke; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi, Deb Shapiro

Guests: Julie Arensdorf, Lisa Jansen, Bill Karpus, Carrie Nelson, Noel Radomski, Jake Smith, Mark Walters

The meeting was called to order at 2:04 p.m.

The minutes of January 28, 2016, were approved.

Guests: Carrie Nelson and Julie Arensdorf, General Library System
Carrie and Julie explained that the Library Committee has been looking at the idea of open access for faculty publications.  Many other universities around the country have open access policies.  The idea behind the policy would be for faculty to give the libraries a copy of their publications prior to the published copy, and they would make it accessible.  The Library Committee passed a resolution with language that there should be consultation with academic staff about the inclusion of academic staff in the policy.  ASEC agreed that academic staff should be included.  The policy will be going to the University Committee for discussion.  Following that discussion, the policy will come back to the Academic Staff Executive Committee.  

General Reports
•    Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that the spring professional development grants competition was now live.  The Wisconsin Policy Research Institute (WPRI) sent out a survey that morning to instructional staff on campus.  To clear up confusion about the source of the survey, Heather D. sent out an email to all academic staff stating the survey is not connected to UW System or UW-Madison.  The Vice Chancellor for University Relations public presentations will be held in a couple weeks.  The Faculty Senate passed a resolution regarding the results of the AAU survey on sexual assault and also made the GLBTQ Issues Committee a regular committee of Faculty Policies and Procedures (FPP).  

Liaison Reports
UW System Academic Staff Representatives Council-Kevin Niemi reported that members of the Board of Regents met with the representatives for lunch.  Job security for academic staff seems to be at risk around UW System.  There was discussion about morale issues.  In regards to the titling study, UW System reported that there were 1800 titles, and they would like to eliminate about 1000 of these titles.  They estimate the study will take 18-24 months.  The State Assembly expects to end its business by mid-February and the Senate by mid-March.

Guest: Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
There are a number of challenges for graduate students.  Funding is really important.  Graduate student stipends need to compete with public AAU members, but also regionally with a number of private universities.  UW-Madison’s graduate student support lags behind its peers.  There is an ongoing change on how assistantships are calculated.  The implementation of this policy has been delayed.  There is a committee with faculty, staff and students looking at the policy. 

Dean Karpus has become an advocate for increasing the amount of the stipends.  It would take $9 million to get to $20,000 for TA stipends.  That is his goal. 

Other issues he discussed include tracking graduate school applicant info on wins and losses for admissions, creating a pool of funding for fellowships centrally from the Graduate School for under-represented minorities, and possibly offering graduate school admissions earlier to undergraduates at the end of their junior year in college, perhaps after participation in the Summer Research Opportunities Program. 

He was asked about whether he would be interested in having a Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) for the Graduate School rather than just having a Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education CASI.  It was agreed that the Secretary of the Academic Staff would check with graduate school academic staff who had expressed interest in this. 

•    Draft of Shared Governance Budget Committee Language
ASEC discussed changes to the draft language.  Heather D. will send changes to Steve Smith, who is compiling this information.  
•    Degrees for Academic Staff Positions
ASEC discussed this issue and whether current practice should be changed.  It was agreed that perhaps the Assembly should discuss this issue.  The Secretary of the Academic Staff will bring a draft information sheet to the next ASEC meeting.
•    Promotional Review Update
Heather D. shared Corissa Daines’ e-mail response to ASEC’s questions.  
•    Job Security Discussion
The number of multiple year contracts and rolling horizons have remained steady.  There has been an increase in the number of people with 5 years on campus and no job security.  Kevin will check with human resources about his questions.

Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss nominations to the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Search and Screen Committee. (Crandall). Seconded. Approved.

Motion to convene in Open Session (Kuba).  Seconded. Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

KeywordsASEC Minutes   Doc ID61038
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2016-02-22 12:23:51Updated2020-07-13 15:15:12
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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