Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2016-2017 > 05. November

Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 11-10-16

Approved 12-1-16

ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Thursday, November 10, 2016
53 Bascom Hall

Members Present:  Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Jenny Dahlberg; Sarah Kuba; Michael Moscicke; Mallory Musolf; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi, Chair; Deb Shapiro

Guests: Jambul Akkaziev, Michael Bernard-Donals, Sue Carlson, Alyssa Franze, Stella Isenbuegel, Jane Koenig, Pamela Peters, Mark Plane, Parthy Schachter, Jake Smith

The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m.

The minutes of November 3, 2016, were approved.

General Reports
Chair Kevin Niemi reported that the working group writing the worklife survey white paper had a basic outline.  Each committee member is writing a draft of a different section.  The group will meet again in a couple weeks.  Wayne Guthrie has been named the new Director of Human Resources and will begin on January 9. Kevin has been in contact with the University Committee chair, Amy Wendt, about professorial titles in a following up to the request from Ian Robertson and other deans for a Professor of Practice title. 

The UW System Academic Staff Representatives meeting is November 11.  The group will discuss UW-Stout laying off 10 academic staff and hiring 5 academic staff with expanded duties and qualifications to replace those being laid off.  There will also be an update on the Titling and Total Compensation study as well as the consensual relationships document. 

Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels attended the award ceremony for the Underkofler award.  A UW-Madison academic staff member Jennifer Smilowitz, Department of Human Oncology was one of this year’s recipients.  The committee tracker database is moving forward.  The main sections that need to be completed include elections, the user portal including the committee interest survey, and a prospective members section on individual committees.  The plan is that the work will be completed this spring. 

Heather reported that there has been a request for an academic staff representative for the Director of Facilities Planning and Management Search and Screen Committee.  ASEC agreed to meet on November 17 to consider those who submitted their names for consideration.  The committee working on the Academic Staff Institute met for the first time.  The changes to the Retirement Issues Committee and Information Technology Committee were passed by Faculty Senate.  

Liaison Report
Bruno Browning reporting on the CALS CASI.  CALS uses its CASI to sort and prioritize academic staff professional development proposals.  They plan to highlight the winners on the CALS website.  There was interest from the CASI on how to get more involved in academic staff governance.

•    Faculty Assistants
The current pay minimums for this title series are below the current TA rates.  Both TAs and faculty assistants have extremely similar if not identical job duties.  In addition, there may be faculty assistants in the wrong title series due to their job duties.

Guest: Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
Vice Provost Bernard-Donals discussed the implementation of the minimum qualifications of instructors policy.  Some think the policy is trying to change who is teaching courses rather than just document who is teaching the course.  

In regards to the Ad Hoc Committee on Family Leave, Michael drafted a charge, but realized that the committee’s recommendations might not be viable across campus due to high cost.  At the insistence of the University Committee to have a committee that included all groups, Michael has redrafted the charge to include two parts.  One part is for faculty and instructional staff in regards to reassigned time use for family.  The second part would be cost neutral approaches to leave for staff on annual appointments.  There are already some peers on campus who have come up with creative solutions.

The memo he said he would draft encouraging review of non-101 funded employee salaries has been written and needs to be approved before it is sent out. 

•    Report from Ad Hoc Committee on Hostile and Intimidating Behavior
Heather Daniels and Deb Shapiro served on this committee and provided this report.  The report outlines a number of recommendations including creating a website and providing an infrastructure for people experiencing hostile and intimidating behavior.  Michael Bernard-Donals has agreed to take the lead on implementing the recommendations.

•    December Assembly Agenda
A revised Assembly agenda was presented to ASEC.  There was brief discussion and no consensus regarding the addition of a resolution regarding increased funding for UW System or a resolution in support of the Board of Regents Budget Request.

•    Items for Guests
Marsha Mailick: RTAG, research cores, and WID Director search
Laurent Heller: Faculty assistants, update on Budget Committee, campus budget allocation model, onboarding of new human resources director
Sarah Mangelsdorf: Faculty assistants, IT reorganization, UW System metrics, UWS consensual relationships policy

Meeting adjourned at 4:02 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff