Topics Map > Academic Staff Assembly > 2018-2019 > 6. March
Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 03-11-19
Approved 4-8-19
272 Bascom Hall
Monday, March 11, 2019
3:30 to 4:50 p.m.
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf called the meeting to order at 3:36 p.m.
Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, February 11, 2019, were approved.
Memorial Resolution for Jacqueline DeWalt
Patrick Sims read the memorial resolution for Jacqueline DeWalt.
Memorial Resolution for Mercile Lee
Gloria Hawkins read the memorial resolution for Mercile Lee.
Guest: Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
Chancellor Blank thanked Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf for her service. She is leaving to become the President of Rochester University. The search is underway for a new Provost.
There has been another increase in applications for undergraduate admissions. Applications are up by 3%. UW-Madison has received about 44,000 applications for 6,500-7,000 slots. They are doing a high touch outreach to seniors within the state of Wisconsin who have high test scores and good grades. They are working to increase the number of applications from these students. This strategy is working well.
Regarding the Cooperative Extension and Wisconsin Public Media transition to UW-Madison, everything seems to be on track for these employees to become UW-Madison employees on July 1. They are wrapping up a statewide media campaign to inform those in the state about the change. They are working on signage changes.
The campus has been investing additional money during the past several years to increase student access, maintain and grow staff excellence, and new educational opportunities. Badger Tuition Promise and Bucky’s Tuition Promise are the primary means to increase access. Right now, there are students from 65 of the 72 counties in Wisconsin in these programs. In relation to staff excellence, UW-Madison hired 1700 academic staff in the last fiscal year. Important to this issue is compensation. The governor’s budget proposes 2% in each of the next two years. UW-Madison plans to continue the Discretionary Compensation Fund and bonus funds for academic staff next year. In regards to the cluster hiring program, there were 10 programs last year. They hired mostly faculty, but two of the 10 programs included a senior academic staff member in the cluster of three.
There are several new educational opportunities that are currently being worked on. The early start program allows incoming freshman to arrive on campus during the summer. There is a program for international students, Engineering and CALS. L&S will be starting a program this year. They are working on formalizing gap-year programs involving international experiences for students between high school and college. The programs would be for students already admitted to UW-Madison, but wanting to take a break before starting college. The last area is to formalize three-year programs. This would involve setting up formal pathways for students in particular majors. Online options are being explored both for current students and creating new all online programs to attract new students. They are looking to start some of these by aiming at non-traditional students, who likely would have college credits elsewhere.
Governor Evers released his budget for the next biennium on February 28. His proposal includes $150 million in additional funds to the entire UW System. He is also proposing an increase in state financial aid dollars. The capital budget has also been released. All the projects from UW-Madison are on the list. The highest priority for the campus is renovation and expansion of the Veterinary Medicine building. Equally important is funding for maintenance.
Guest: Carol Van Hulle, Chair, Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee
This committee has nine members and meets once a month. They are formally charged with reviewing policies and procedures regarding academic staff compensation and benefits. Each year the committee identifies projects to work on with the assistance of ASEC. Examples of things the committee has done in the past include evaluation of the Critical Compensation Fund, work on salary compression, sabbaticals for academic staff, and a survey of academic staff regarding compensation and titling. An example of the committee’s work is the resolution that was brought to the Assembly last month on the Title and Total Compensation (TTC) Project. The resolution came from discussions the committee had with human resources staff working on the TTC. The committee also serves on other committees related to compensation and benefits. Right now about half of the committee members are actively working in some capacity on the TTC project.
Kevin Niemi provided the ASEC report. The ASEC election is ongoing and will close on March 19. The Academic Staff Institute (ASI) will be held on March 27 with Erin Barbato, Director of the Immigrant Justice Clinic, as the keynote speaker. Registration for ASI closes on March 15. The announcement for the Executive Education Grant program will be announced this week.
Some highlights from ASEC meetings include ongoing discussions regarding the TTC project. The standard job descriptions will be released for public review in early summer. The structure of the UW System/UW-Madison Advisory Council for the TTC project is being changed to enhance engagement at the UW System institutions. ASEC has been discussing with Michael Bernard-Donals the idea of a Target of Opportunity program for academic staff and university staff to increase diversity. ASEC is helping put together a working group for this program.
Mallory Musolf provided the report for ASPRO. ASPRO represents the interests of academic staff throughout UW System to UW System and the state legislature. Kathi Kilgore is meeting with members of the legislature’s Joint Finance Committee to advocate for the UW System budget including pay increases. ASPRO is developing a membership survey and planning a website redesign.
Standing Committee Slates
Karyn Matchey, co-chair of the Nominating Committee, read the names on the Standing Committee slates. For the Communications Committee, those running include Megan Flowers, Felipe Gacharna, Kyle Henderson, Jaime Kenowski, Lindsay Lemmer and Howard Veregin. For the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee, those running include Corryn Cue, Derek Kindle, Dagna Sheerar and Carol Van Hulle. For the Districting and Representation Committee, those running include Eileen Ewing, Brady Minter and David Toland. For the Mentoring Committee, those running include Erin Paul-Schuetter, Christy Lowney, Justin Sena and Jessica Swenson. For the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee, those running include Caitlin Cleary, Lara Curkeet, Jennifer Hadley, Jason Jankoski, Bethany Pluymers, and Stephanie Wilson. For the Professional Development and Recognition Committee, those running include Nichlos Ewoldt, Zach Goldberger, Angela Kita, Martha Reck, Bonnie Shucha, and Christopher Yue. No nominations were added to any of the slates from the floor.
Resolution on Supporting and Sponsoring the Second UW-Madison Academic Staff Worklife Survey
Lindsey Stoddard Cameron (ASEC) moved that the Academic Staff Assembly approve the resolution. Seconded. Motion approved.
Provost Report
The candidate visits for the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education have ended, and comments are closed.
Adjourned at 4:36 pm.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff