Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2019-2020 > 05. November

Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 11-7-19

Approved 11/21/19

ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, November 7, 2019
53 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Donna Cole; Jenny Dahlberg, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Mallory Musolf; 
Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler

Guests: Diane Blaskowski, Ron Harris, Gene Purcell, Jake Smith, Mark Walters

The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m
The minutes of October 31, 2019 were approved.

General Reports
Jenny Dahlberg, ASEC chair, reported that she spoke to the Capital Times regarding the UW System President Search and Screen committee. She also reported on work she had done regarding the research administration job group.

Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that Faculty Senate had passed the Sifting and Winnowing Resolution previously passed by the Assembly. She also reported on the TTC shared governance advisory committee meeting. The committee reviewed the presentation for the November forums and gave feedback. The committee urged there to be more emphasis that the manager/employee conversation needed to be a two-way conversation where the employee was encouraged to provide input and thoughts on their job responsibilities.

Liaison Reports
Jenny Dahlberg reported that the west end CASIs are planning an event for the spring.

Bill Tishler reported on the University Committee meeting where Lisa Carter recommended an ad hoc committee to work on the issue of publishing and access to journals (differential publishing).

Mallory Musolf reported that the Professional Development and Recognition Committee is exploring additional award opportunities for Excellence Awards. She also reported that on some differences between TTC for UW System schools and UW-Madison that she learned at the UW System Academic Staff Representatives meeting. UW System schools have until March 15 to have the employee/employer conversations. They also are not creating Position Descriptions like being done at UW-Madison.

Stephanie Elkins reported the Communications Committee is planning to send out some TTC communications.

Guests: Diane Blaskowski and Mark Walters, Office of Human Resources (Title and Total Compensation Project)

The deadline for mapping employees to titles has been extended for two weeks until November 15. They are holding quality assurance sessions this week for school/college/division human resources to compare assigned titles. The TTC team will also do quality assurance following the completion of the mapping exercise. 
In regards to the appeals process, there will be a five-step appeal process. The only thing that can be appealed is the job title. Step four of the process will be a job classification appeals panel that will include a governance appointed representative. The official title will only be used for market matching.  Manager training will begin on November 21, and information has not yet been sent out about it.

Guest: Gene Purcell, Director, Wisconsin Public Media
Gene Purcell gave some background about himself.  He has spent 34 years in public broadcasting and was an academic staff member both at UW-LaCrosse and UW-Extension. The history of Wisconsin Public Media begins on the Madison campus. Public media is the oldest educational broadcaster in the country and claims to be the oldest station in the nation. It began as a science experience on the Madison campus in the 1910s. 1917 was the first year that voice could be matched with the transmission. Early equipment was all hand made.

During the 1920s and 30s, technology had been established and moved into the purpose of broadcasting or getting messages to people. Wisconsin Public Media started providing information for farmers moving into curriculum during the 1930s. During the 1940s, WHA was having trouble covering the whole state with its broadcasts. The state legislature formed a committee to build a state FM network. Today, Wisconsin Public Media has 37 station radio networks (providing 3 services); 6 television station networks (providing 4 services); public safety (emergency alter and amber alert) and remains deeply involved in K-12 education. They have about half a million viewers and 450,000 listeners. They work closely with the Educational Communications Board, a state agency. The transition has been surprisingly smooth with a few bumps.

Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss Appointments to Ad Hoc Committee on Implementation of the Youth Protection Policy (Cole). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to Convene in Open Session (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.

Motion to appoint Tracy Chynoweth, Gail Ford, Liz Jesse, Anya Nesterchouk, Brooke Norsted, Ellen Smith, and Matthew Stilwell to the Ad Hoc Committee in Implementation of the Youth Protection Policy with Helena Manning and Kim Nawyn as ex officio, non-voting members (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.
December Assembly Agenda
Tim Dalby may have a resolution on emergency numbers for faculty/staff Wiscards for this meeting. Heather has invited President Ray Cross to speak.
UW System President Search and Screen Committee
Jenny Dahlberg provided an update on the UW System President Search and Screen Committee. There are no faculty or staff on this committee. The UW System Academic Staff Representatives group is working on a letter to be sent to the Board of Regents. 
Staff Diversity Discussion
ASEC would like to form a committee to look at staff diversity. Jenny will ask the Central Committee for some time to talk about this issue on their next agenda.
Topics for Provost and Office of Human Resources
OHR topics
FLSA update
Biweekly pay shift
TTC updates
Provost topics
Vice Provost for Enrollment Management resignation
Vice Provost Search and Screens
Meeting adjourned at 4:36 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

KeywordsASEC Minutes   Doc ID96150
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2019-11-22 11:28:14Updated2020-07-13 11:16:16
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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