Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2020-2021 > 07. January
Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 01-28-21
Approved 02-04-21
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Present: Donna Cole; Jenny
Dahlberg; Tim Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Mallory Musolf;
Leslie Petty; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler
Elizabeth Covington, Lesley Fisher, Laurent
Heller, Beth Meyerand, Karl Scholz
The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m.
The minutes of January 21 were approved.
General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC chair, reported that
vaccinations continue to proceed for Tier 1A employees, as well as for those 65
and older. Vaccinations will be moving to the Nicholas Recreation Center to
expand capacity. On the topic of testing, building enforcement is pushed back
to February 8, while campus continues to work to drive down rejection rates and
increase turnaround times. There is now a walkup model in place instead of the
previous appointment model. There have also been requests for later hours for
testing sites. Numbers of calls to the call center are going up every day, with
an almost even split between student and employee calls. Tim raised the
question of having the ASM Chair to talk about the COVID Relief Fund
resolution. ASEC agreed to invite the Chair to the next ASEC meeting.
Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported
that a virtual training session was announced in campus communication this week
on expectations for employees in the workplace and campus visitors related to
COVID. Jake also confirmed plans with ASEC regarding a special meeting of ASEC
on February 11 to discuss issues related to single payroll and TTC with Mark
Walters and Karen Massetti-Moran. Jake reported that
the call for the Academic Staff Professional Development Grant program has gone
out. ASPP and other academic staff legislation have been moved to the new
Policy Library. Registration for the next Academic Staff Chat will go out next
Liaison Reports
Deb Shapiro reported on the L&S CASI meeting.
Plans for an L&S building are still going forward, and there was discussion
of a new online degree program launching in 2022. The search for a new CIO for
L&S is on hold.
Bill Tishler met
with the Athletics CASI. The CASI discussed concerns around the use of sick
leave for child care, questions around the conflict of
commitment policy, and questions regarding vacation carryover.
Jenny Dahlberg reported that the Vet Med CASI
is working to make their website public facing. Topics under consideration for
the CASI include single payroll, testing, and eligibility for vaccines.
Mallory Musolf
reported on the UW System Reps meeting. UW-Madison’s testing plan is more
rigorous than those of other campuses in the UW system. There was a great deal
of discussion on vaccine administration. The priority is instruction and those
individuals who have close contact with students. Reengagement with TTC was
discussed, and there were several questions around titles and available levels
for those titles. The Employee Value Proposition was also shared, which is a
program marketing the value of working within the UW System that is in
alignment with the All In Wisconsin program.
Karl Scholz, Provost
Provost Scholz reported that the spring semester is off to a good
start. He has received good feedback from some teachers who are teaching
classes in-person. The team working on planning around testing at UW-Madison is
working hard and effectively. At the same time, we realize that the program is
not where we want it. There is a backlog on some test results, and as a result,
enforcement of the testing protocols has been pushed back from February 1 to
February 8. We are working to increase rate of testing. The rejection rate has
gone down to 2-3%. We are also doing more tests than we were in the fall, and
to be able to do 70,000 tests per week is critical for the health of the community.
On the topic of a platform like being applied to
research, we have had a campus site license for the last 12-18 months, so
everyone can use it. It can be used to check any written work at the
university. With respect to research, there would likely need to be IRB
approval as well as FERPA concerns that would need to be addressed. Vice
Provost Steve Cramer will look into this as well, and
ASEC will also be posing this question to Vice Chancellor Steve Ackerman.
With regard to Tier
1B, there is not hard and fast guidance yet. The 65-and-older population has
been added before anyone else in 1B, and those others in Tier 1B won’t be starting until March 1. This group includes not
only in-person instruction, but also housing, dining, custodial, library,
trades, student affairs, and a number of other areas.
Provost Scholz has also been asked about altering the fall start date
due to a conflict with Rosh Hashanah. Unfortunately
the start date of the semester will not be able to be moved due to a number of
considerations. Convocation will be moved, and the academic calendar will be
more heavily scrutinized going forward.
Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Vice Chancellor Heller reported on efforts to
return to strategic priorities in the Finance and Administration area. His
office had previously launched a strategic plan outlining five high level
strategies with projects to advance each of those. They were due to be
evaluated in spring/summer 2020, but with the onset of the pandemic, the aim is
to evaluate progress this summer. Vice Chancellor Heller is currently thinking
about four long-term areas. The first is a set of large transformation
projects, including Title and Total Compensation, Procure-to-Pay, and the Administrative
Transformation Project. P2P will go live in April, with discussions about
possible implementation of TTC this summer. The second area is revenue
innovations work, including a real estate initiative partnering with Research
Park to develop underused land on- or off-campus to generate endowment to
support key priorities. Vice Chancellor Heller is working with Research Park
and the Board on this, and hopefully the framework for this initiative can be
in place this year. There is also the possibility of public/private
partnerships for auxiliaries, such as utility operations concessions or parking
concessions. David Murphy’s team is working on a framework for this. The third
area is the EID (engagement, inclusion, and diversity) framework. There is an
annual survey of staff that are in the VCFA area on how well diversity and
inclusion efforts are being supported. DDEEA is assisting with putting together
a report on the latest survey, and Vice Chancellor Heller will be sharing the
results at a later date, as well as thinking about how
to extend EID. The fourth area is long-term planning. Our multi-year financial
model is being reviewed not only to figure out how to bounce back from the
pandemic but also to look at other long-term areas, like seeing how we are
growing related to staffing at a campus level. Vice Chancellor Heller is also
excited to see what will be coming in the report of the Sustainability Advisory
Council. ASEC discussed concerns on the research front with P2P and the ability
to make purchases quickly in our current system. The approval process may
create problems for urgent purchases for research purposes. Vice Chancellor
Heller saw results from the first walkthrough, as well as comments and feedback
around how research purchases are being made. He will raise this issue again
with the other executive sponsors of the project.
Beth Meyerand, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
Vice Provost Meyerand
provided an update on the Professor of Practice campus guidelines. Individuals
from the Division of Extension were added to the committee looking at the
guidelines, and they are working on making edits to the current draft to ensure
that the title would be appropriate for those individuals in Extension doing
that kind of work. There has also been continued discussion about prefixes and
progression within the title. For teaching professor and research professor,
the only approved school/college guidelines are those from SMPH. L&S is
close but not yet approved.
The Campus Committee on Diversity Education
and Training will be meeting next week with a goal of charging working groups
within the committee. These working groups will be canvassing as to what types
of training are already out there (including campus, Big 10 peers, and other nationwide
organizations), looking at curriculum types, learning objectives, assessment
tools, and audiences. The committee will meet twice a month, with one meeting
for the whole committee and one for each of the working groups. Vice Provost Meyerand anticipates a preliminary report at the end of
March, at least in terms of what programs already exist. The committee will be
discussing how to engage other groups on campus as well.
The Committee on Women in the University met
this week and endorsed the creation of a caregiving task force and COVID
impacts. The committee approved the draft letter from Vaishali Bakshi, co-chair of the committee. The letter will be sent
to Vice Provost Meyerand and other members of
administration. The Vice Provost is excited about the potential for this task
force and is committed to keeping work in this space going.
ASEC recessed at 3:54 p.m.
ASEC reconvened at 3:58 p.m.
Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant
to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to Discuss Nominations to the Vice
Chancellor for Legal Affairs Search and Screen Committee and Appointments to
the Athletic Board Selection Committee (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to Reconvene in Open Session (Stoddard
Cameron). Seconded. Approved.
Nominations and Appointments – for vote
Motion to appoint Donna Cole and Lindsey
Stoddard Cameron to the Athletic Board Selection Committee (Petty). Seconded.
Motion to nominate Rebecca Scheller
and Steven Wright to the Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs Search and Screen
Committee (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
February Assembly Agenda – for vote
Motion to approve the February Assembly agenda
(Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.
Topics for Guests
update on next steps for policy library, including hiring of policy manager position
OHR: TTC, ALRA, single pay, disparities in
title change opportunities across campus, progress on reevaluating policies
with DEI lens
Meeting adjourned at 5:03 p.m.
submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff