Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2021-2022 > 04. October

Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 10-21-21

Approved 10-28-21

ASEC Minutes

2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, October 21, 2021

53 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Donna Cole; Jenny Dahlberg; Tim Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Stephanie Jones; Mallory Musolf; Leslie Petty; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler

Guests: Elizabeth Covington, Lesley Fisher, Karl Scholz, Mark Walters

The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.

The minutes of October 7 were approved.

General Reports

Tim Dalby, ASEC Chair, reported on the recent meeting of the chiefs of staff, chairs, and secretaries regarding COVID cases and non-compliance with testing or reporting of vaccination status. Positive cases and non-compliance both continue to be low. There are also staff who remain out of compliance with completing required cybersecurity training. Individuals are being contacted with the expectation to complete the training as soon as possible. The Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee elected Jason Jankoski as its new co-chair with Nicole Senter. They are undertaking their review of ASPP. Tim, Mallory, and Jake met with Mark Walters to discuss TTC feedback from the October Assembly meeting, ensuring availability of professorial titles to academic staff, and leadership transitions in the Office of Human Resources.

Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that ASEC has been asked for nominations of academic staff candidates for the Chancellor search and screen committee. Jake will put a call out next week for nominations. Jake discussed the request from the Regents regarding feedback on proposed amendments to Regent Policy Document 6-4, the Selection Process for System President, Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, and UW System Senior Leadership Positions. Jake reported on the first academic staff chat of the year, which was on the topic of creating a more inclusive work environment. Finalists for the Director of Facilities Planning and Management will be doing campus visits in the first two weeks of November, and ASEC will put someone forward for the governance sessions with the candidates. Jake also sent a call for nominations for the Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Search and Screen Committee. ASEC will make its selections at the next meeting.

Liaison Reports

Leslie Petty reported on the recent meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic and University Staff Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The committee is working on its final report and continuing to look at areas related to turnover and diversification of applicant pools.

Donna Cole reported that the SMPH CASI met with Nancy Raymond and Jon Audhya about the implementation of the research professor title within the School. The CASI had questions about how the title had been communicated and how it would be conferred going forward.

Jenny Dahlberg reported that the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee met with Karen Massetti-Moran. The committee discussed degree requirements for research scientist titles as well as how promotion and progression will work. The committee is considering doing a pulse survey of academic staff.

Stephanie Elkins reported that the Wisconsin Public Media CASI is gearing up for national searches both for the Director of Wisconsin Public Media and the Director of Wisconsin Public Radio. The CASI established a communications subcommittee, and the CASI’s HR subcommittee is working to broaden participation in searches. There was also communication on how performance increases and bonuses will be distributed. Stephanie also reported on the Communications Committee, for which Felipe Gacharna was elected co-chair with Lori Wilson. The committee discussed the academic staff newsletter in terms of content and tone. A subcommittee will come back for the next meeting with suggestions and a statement of purpose for the newsletter.

Lindsey Stoddard Cameron reported on the Division of Continuing Studies CASI. The CASI discussed its involvement in the emeritus review process for DCS.

Guest: Karl Scholz, Provost

In relation to enrollment plans, UW will continue to meet the guidelines set out by the Board of Regents, with no fewer than 5,200 students from Wisconsin, Minnesota, or transfer students, as well as no fewer than 3,600 Wisconsin students in the freshman class.

On the topic of short-term study abroad programs, many of these programs are shorter stays with multiple stops in their program. The structure for these programs has been challenging as we navigated the pandemic. We want these programs to continue to be popular activities. Spring participation numbers look positive right now, with as many participating as we have ever had, but they are still dependent on the course of the pandemic.

Provost Scholz reflected on the Chancellor’s recent announcement and her accomplishments while in her role. He will be serving on the UW System Presidential Search and Screen Committee in her stead, and discussed the Board of Regents taking up the proposal to amend Regent Policy Document 6-4 with the intention of the amendments to broaden participation in these searches.

The university’s COVID-related numbers are heartening, with 95% vaccination rates for faculty and staff, and 94% for students. We have the lowest case count per 100,000 people in counties among UW System campuses. UHS is already actively providing Pfizer vaccine boosters, and it is anticipated that boosters from Moderna and Johnson & Johnson will be provided as well.

ASEC provided feedback on communication around exhausting vacation before using sick leave, with the request to ensure that messaging is consistent between campus and unit level implementation.


·       ASEC Goal Planning Discussion

The subcommittees reported out on their finalized goals and will own those throughout the year. Time on the ASEC agenda on a monthly basis will be set aside to provide updates and discuss progress. The first of these will be on November 4.

Guest: Mark Walters, Chief Human Resources Officer

Regarding pay increases for academic staff below the minimum as a result of TTC retitling, schools/colleges/divisions should be working with their organizations to figure out how these increases will work for those fully on soft money. In terms of the forthcoming salary structure, there is an array of where people fall within the quartiles, but a majority will fall within the first and second quartiles of the pay ranges. There will be more work to do in this area. Currently, there are 6.7% of employees impacted by TTC whose pay is under the market minima and 3.8% of employees over the maxima. There is $1.3 million centrally funded to bring employees under the minimum up to that minimum. Resources will be going on the website with regard to the pay grades on November 1, and employees should receive letters with their title information by November 1 as well. Some title areas will need further adjustment, and some of those may be addressed by the end of the calendar year. OHR will be providing guidelines and pay tools in the future and will work with shared governance on these. OHR is also encouraging informal resolution at the school/college/division level before formal appeals are initiated. TTC won’t negatively impact the ability of individuals to receive emeritus status.

The process for the discretionary compensation funding and bonuses is proceeding, as well as the 2% pay increase scheduled for January 1. OHR has provided instructions to the campus HR community on how these can be implemented, and workbooks will go out from UW Shared Services by the end of November.

Mark has decided to retire from his role as the Chief Human Resources Officer at the end of the calendar year. Patrick Sheehan has been appointed as the Interim CHRO and is transitioning out of his current role as HR Strategy Lead for ATP. Lotus Buckner will also be leaving her role as Director of Talent Management on November 1.

On the topic of “hotel spaces,” Mark is not aware of any initiative to register these but will discuss this with Facilities Planning and Management. There have been discussions about ways to make these spaces more “distancing-friendly” with our existing space. Building access is also an issue for using hotel spaces that might not be in an employee’s assigned building.

OHR is looking at doing a survey of employees on how remote work is going. It would be a campus-wide survey, and ASEC recommended that OHR consult the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee about a survey that would go to academic staff.


·       November Assembly Agenda

ASEC debriefed on the October Assembly meeting and had an extensive discussion about the modality for the November meeting. ASEC decided that the meeting will be held in person. The Chancellor is slated to attend. ASEC discussed potential first readings on the proposed agenda items and will finalize the agenda at the October 28 meeting.

·       Topics for Guests

Provost: update on the Deans’ working groups; instructor evaluations

OHR: ATOM project for ATP, Chemistry, revenue innovations recommendations

Meeting adjourned at 4:56 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff

KeywordsASEC Minutes   Doc ID114574
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2021-10-29 09:45:14Updated2021-10-29 10:08:46
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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