Topics Map > Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC) > 2021-2022
Professional Development and Recognition Committee Agenda 12-06-21
Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC)
Meeting Agenda
December 6, 2021
10:00a on Zoom
Attendance and Membership
______ Tamala Bradham
______ Nichlos Ewoldt
______ Ilia Guzei
______ Angela Kita
______ Nia Norris
______ Kristina Penniston
______ Martha Reck
______ Debra Shapiro
______ Bonnie Shucha
______ Diane Stojanovich
______ Andrew Turner
______ Christopher Yue
Note taker: Tamala
1. Standing Committees:
a. PD Grants(Check in with Chair/Co-chair for fall)
i. Discussion of fall PD grants
b. Exec Ed Grants (Check in with Chair/Co-chair)
i. Summary of fall grants
c. Awards (Check in with Chair/Co-chair)
i. Process reminder
2. Other items:
a. January meeting, meeting times for the spring
b. General questions, things we missed
3. Adjourn