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Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee Agenda 01-24-25

Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee Meeting

Friday, January 24, 2025

12:00 – 1:00pm



  1. 12pm - Welcome – (Quorum is 5 PPPC members for reference)
    1. Please do whatever you need to do to be a human in this virtual space
    2. What’s on the agenda? (a tour and call for last minute items from the floor)
  2. 12:01 - Automatic Business
    1. [AJT] Approval of minutes from last time
  3. 12:02 – For Vote
    1. Changes to ASPP 13 regarding ASA districts [comments/suggestions] ASPP 13 - University Academic Staff Assembly
  4. 12:05 – For February ASA
    1. PPPC Annual Report draft
    2. Bereavement Leave Resolution
  5. 12:20 – Packaged ASAC/PPPC changes
    1. Focus on chapter Ch 3 [Comments / Suggestions] ASPP 3 
      1. Changes reflect switch from working days’ to calendar days
      2. OHR developing definition of working days “Working days: All days except Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays observed by Universities of Wisconsin, and days when the campus is closed by order of the Chancellor.”
        1. How would we like to proceed?
    2. Other comment/suggests docs for reference: 
      1. Ch 6 [Comments / Suggestions] ASPP 6
      2. Ch 7 [Comments  / suggestions]ASPP 7
      3. Ch 9 [Comments / Suggestions] ASPP 9
  6. 12:55 Announcements, recap, or things to focus on for next time?
    1. February PPPC Meeting scheduled for 2/28, 10-11am
  7. Adjourn


PPPC Agenda 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff