Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2024-2025 > 08. February
Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 02-20-25
Approved 02-27-25
ASEC Minutes
1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Thursday, February 20, 2025
Members Present: Richard Barajas, Aaron Crandall, Alissa Ewer, Andrew Lokuta, Albert Muniz (chair), Terry Paape, Nicole Senter, Diane Stojanovich, Nola Walker
Guests: Emily Beach, Katie Bourassa, Rob Cramer, Barret Elward, Charles Isbell, John Horn, Jen Oasen, Emily Reynolds, Zach Smith, Andrew Turner, Scott Wildman
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.
The minutes of February 6 were approved with one correction.
General Reports
Albert Muniz, ASEC Chair, reported on the Spring 2025 Academic Leadership Breakfast. Carla Hickman, Vice President for Research at EAB, presented on the evolving higher education landscape. Participants also brainstormed and discussed possible future strategic priorities for the university.
Mallory Musolf, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that the request to include a member of ASEC to the Visioning Committee was not granted. Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs, Kent Weigel, met with the co-chairs of the Ad Hoc Review Committee on Academic Staff Teaching Professor titles and the Professor of Practice Title as well as the co-chairs of Ad Hoc Review Committee on Academic Staff Research Professor Titles. At each meeting co-chairs gave an update on the work of their respective committees and discussed future engagement going forward. Facilities Planning and Management is working with Huron Consulting on the first campuswide Space Utilization and Demand Study to understand current usage, project future demand, and propose recommendations for improvement. It will also inform the upcoming Campus Framework Plan. More information on the project can be accessed at ASEC members will be invited to complete a change management survey as part of the study.
Liaison Reports
Alissa Ewer reported that the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) sent out their newsletter. They also discussed the CASI coalition letter and decided to sign the letter.
Diane Stojanovich reported that the Wisconsin Public Media CASI discussed the CASI coalition letter and will sign the letter. They also discussed possible federal funding impacts.
Nola Walker reported that the International Division CASI will sign the CASI coalition letter.
Andrew Lokuta reported that the Extension CASI is conducting a review of their bylaws and considered the CASI coalition letter. The Library Assembly/CASI also discussed the CASI coalition letter.
Guest: Charles Isbell, Provost
The provost’s office conducts reviews of deans every five years. In addition to a review of the dean’s performance, the review has broadened to include a focus on the school/college. ASEC encouraged consideration for including CASI engagement in future reviews. As part of the review, Provost Isbell shared a survey is being developed for feedback and indicated interest in the possibility of including a question about governance.
Regarding the U.S. Department of Education’s Dear Colleague Letter, campus has established a task force to gather data to help understand potential risk to the university.
The Visioning Committee has started to engage stakeholders. Initial activities include engagement with deans as well as campus leaders at the academic leadership breakfast. In March, the committee will launch a series of opportunities for broader engagement.
Guest: Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Vice Chancellor Cramer reported the February Board of Regents meeting was positively received. The chancellor presented the overall perspective on the state of UW-Madison, including the impact the campus has on the state and nation. Potential impacts to campus given recent federal activities were also covered.
The governor’s 2025-27 biennium state budget proposes $856 million investment in UW System. Wisconsin ranks 43rd out of 50 states in state support for education. This increase will help UW system move towards the average of state support within the US. The proposed budget includes a 5%/4% state pay plan, funded by the state in full. The proposed effective date for the 5% increase is July 1, 2025, and July 1, 2026, for the 4% increase. The governor’s capital budget proposal is expected in the next few weeks.
The DEI audit encompasses all state agencies, including the UW System. Campus provides information as it is requested.
Regarding the potential loss of significant federal funds, March will be an important milestone with the continuing resolution set to expire. It will provide additional insights in informing campus strategy.
The Lakeshore Path Study was released. The study received over 11,000 comments. Campus will utilize the study to consider potential improvements.
Recessed at 2:32 p.m.
Reconvened at 2:42 p.m.
Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss the Nominating Committee Slate (Crandall). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to Reconvene in Open Session (Barajas). Seconded. Approved.
- Nominating Committee Slate – for vote
Motion to approve the Nominating Committee slate (Senter). Seconded. Approved.
- ASEC debrief
ASEC discussed follow-up items for future meetings.
- ASEC subcommittee updates
The professional development subcommittee, in partnership with the Office of Human Resources, the Office of Strategic Consulting, and Administration Innovation and Planning, created a pilot program for change managers titled, Resilience in the Face of Change: Tools and Practices to Build Mental and Emotional Resilience During Transitions. The first event will take place Monday, March 10. The outreach and engagement subcommittee’s meet and greets prior to Assembly will continue through spring 2025. Work continues to finalize the academic staff governance survey.
- March Assembly agenda
ASEC reviewed the Assembly agenda and will vote to approve the agenda at its next meeting.
- Bereavement leave resolution
ASEC reviewed an updated version of the resolution. Andrew Turner, Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee co-chair and co-author of the resolution provided an overview of updates and answered questions.
- Topics for guests
Provost: RISE and staff layoffs; campus budget; visioning committee update
OHR: remote work; layoffs
Meeting adjourned at 3:28 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Mallory Musolf, Secretary of the Academic Staff