Topics Map > Academic Staff Assembly > 2024-2025 > 5. February
Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 02-10-25
Approved 03-10-25
272 Bascom Hall
Monday, February 10, 2025
3:30 to 4:45 p.m.
Provost Charles Isbell called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m.
Memorial Resolution for Murray Katcher (ASA #840)
Dipesh Navsaria presented the memorial resolution for Murray Katcher.
Guest: Diana Harvey, Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communication
Vice Chancellor Harvey gave a presentation on the activities of the Office of Strategic Communication. Her charge is to oversee a unified communication strategy for the campus, to craft and direct institutional-level storytelling to which units across campus can connect, and to provide leadership and vision. The mission of the office is to advance and protect the reputation of UW–Madison. Vice Chancellor Harvey’s first priority assessed university communications and marketing. The Office of Strategic Consulting (OSC) conducted a broad-based assessment, including stakeholder interviews, surveys, and peer benchmarking. The OSC findings provided six recommendations focused on the development of a central communication strategy, creating structures for alignment, prioritization of internal campus communications, modernization, central services, and team support.
The Office of Strategic Communication had a modest reorganization to better meet the needs of campus by reducing silos to enhance cross-functional collaboration. The office is organized into three functional areas: content strategy; brand strategy; and institutional support and reputation management.
The office supports several campus priorities: RISE, the Sustainability Initiative, Entrepreneurship Initiative, access and affordability, and the state budget process. Campus is actively running its statewide outreach campaign. The campaign is a holistic, multifaceted strategy designed to demonstrate the importance of the university to the state of Wisconsin through statewide events, earned media, and a paid advertising campaign.
Automatic Consent Business
The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, December 9, 2024, were approved.
Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) Chair Albert Muniz presented the ASEC report. The Academic Staff Institute, an annual professional development conference for academic staff, will be held on Tuesday, March 18th. Registration is open through March 3rd. The cost is $25 and includes lunch and afternoon refreshments. Applications are currently being accepted for the Spring 2025 Academic Staff Professional Development Grants Program. The deadline to apply is Monday, March 17th.
Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO) Board President Jenny Dahlberg presented the ASPRO report. ASPRO voted to oppose 2025 Senate Bill 27 requiring all state employees return to in-person work effective July 1, 2025. ASPRO lobbyist, Kathi Kilgore, is planning to attend an Assembly meeting this spring.
Kelly Krein, Nominating Committee Co-Chair, presented the Academic Staff Executive Committee slate (ASA #841). Those running for election include Hanna Blazel, Alissa Ewer, Andrew Lokuta, Kim Nawyn, and Nicole Senter. The petition process for adding candidates to the slate will be sent out after the Assembly meeting.
Standing Committees of the Assembly presented their annual reports. Cori Splain presented the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC) report. The committee added a member of the Office of Human Resources (OHR) as an ex-officio member of CEBC. The committee also worked on pay raise advocacy and reviewed the salary conversion policy, progression, and a job security document. Rebecca Beebe reported that the Districting and Representation Committee spent most of the year updating the Shared Governance Districts website. They also worked with the Communications Committee to organize an article to increase representation and district awareness for the academic staff newsletter, Cornerstone. Vanessa Taulbee reported on the Mentoring Committee’s work on the Mentor Match Program for academic staff. The program had 44 mentors and 108 mentees. The committee updated the program guides to better support the mentor/mentee relationship. Kelly Krein presented the Nominating Committee report. 83 candidates were forwarded for consideration to serve on university committees. They also revamped the Committee Interest Survey recruitment email and saw an increase in the number of survey responses. Kelly Cuene reported that the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee reviewed and provided feedback on draft OHR policies on rehired annuitants, whistleblower protection, and resignation and retirement. They also reviewed aspects of Academic Staff Policies and Procedures. Abbie Wagaman-Hartzell and Carrie Welsh reported that the Professional Development and Recognition Committee awarded professional development and executive education grants. They also selected nine winners for the UW–Madison Academic Staff Excellence Awards and three winners for the UW-System Excellence Awards.
Provost Report
Provost Isbell reported on recent federal activity. On Friday, February 7, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) issued a notice to change the Facilities and Administration (F&A) rate to 15% for all new and existing grants. The new rate is effective February 10, 2025, and replaces the previously negotiated rates, which vary by institution. NIH funding is UW–Madison’s largest source of federal support. This directive will significantly disrupt biomedical research activity and delay lifesaving discoveries and cures related to cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and so much more. Ultimately, it will harm the livelihoods of people across the state and the country. Today, Wisconsin along with 21 other states filed a lawsuit to challenge the NIH directive. More information on this legal action is expected soon.
Campus has a working group on emerging federal issues. It is a team comprised of experts both on campus and in Washington D.C. that are tracking and assessing relevant changes to keep up with the constantly shifting landscape and to ensure engagement with key campus stakeholders. Campus leadership is communicating with shared governance leadership. They are also in contact with the Association of American Universities (AAU), Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU), Big Ten, and other peers to share information. For regular updates and guidance, visit the federal relations webpage at This webpage also provides an opportunity for members of the campus community to ask questions.
On research matters, with the uncertainties, faculty and staff are asked to be cautious about creating new commitments with federal dollars and expenditures. Campus will continue to communicate updates as quickly and broadly as possible. UW–Madison will remain true to its core values and mission as a great public university. UW–Madison will also follow the law.
Chancellor Mnookin and Provost Isbell appointed a visioning committee to begin the process of building a new strategic framework. The goal is to guide UW–Madison for the next five years and beyond. The committee is co-chaired by Provost Isbell and Professor Lauren Papp, former chair of the University Committee and faculty member in the School of Human Ecology. There will be opportunities for the campus community to review, discuss, and contribute to this framework later in the semester. Provost Isbell encouraged all members of the Assembly to engage with this process.
Dr. LaVar Charleston who led the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement (DDEEA) for the past three years, no longer serves as vice chancellor and returned to his back up appointment as clinical professor in the School of Education. Provost Isbell will serve as acting director of the DDEEA while they work to identify and appoint an interim director.
The next dean of the School of Medicine and Public Health and vice chancellor for medical affairs will be Dr. Nita Ahuja. Dr. Ahuja is a surgeon-scientist from Yale University. She will start her role at UW–Madison on May 15, 2025. Finalist visits for dean of the College of Engineering position have concluded. Feedback has been reviewed by the provost and a decision is expected to be announced soon. Additionally, finalist feedback for the associate vice chancellor and chief of police for the UW–Madison Police Department position is being reviewed by Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. Finalists for the chief information officer and vice provost for information technology position will be on campus for interviews in March.
Meeting adjourned at 4:57 pm.
Minutes submitted by Mallory Musolf, Secretary of the Academic Staff