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ASA Document 328. Memorial Resolution for Judith Murphy

Memorial Resolution of the Academic Staff Assembly 
of the University of Wisconsin- Madison

On the death of Associate Dean of the Medical School  Judith M. Murphy

Judie Murphy’s recent death saddens us in the Medical School but also allows us to remember her many contributions and unfailing service to UW-Madison. Judie worked continuously for UW-Madison from 1966 to 1996, beginning with the College of Letters and Sciences for 9 years, the Office of the Chancellor for six years and finally 15 years with the UW Medical School. Judie held a number of important positions, most in Human Resources.

At the time of her appointment to emerita status in 1996, her career was thoughtfully reviewed by Professor Millard Susman, at the time an associate dean in the Medical School, and a colleague of Judie’s for 9 years in Medical School Administration. Professor Susman observed that: “I believe I have not met a personnel administrator on this campus who could match her grasp of principles and personnel administration. Judie was, and is, an expert’s expert. She provided counsel and guidance to Dean’s Office personnel staff, to department administrators, to chairs and directors and over the years, to a wide range of high level administrators in L&S and the Chancellor’s Office. She has served on numerous University committees of one sort or another that dealt with problems of personnel administration and was an always an influential participant of the activities of those committees.”

More than a personnel expert, Millard notes that Judie possessed integrity, decency, and dedication to the University and the School. “I have never known anyone—even in the obsessive world of research—who is more devoted to her job than Judie.” And in a statement that could apply to what many of us do as academic staff, Millard notes that “personnel was without question the most difficult area of administration because the rules are Byzantine, the processes are excessively burdensome and the stakes are high.”

Finally, Millard speaks to her values and commitment by noting that “she served her critics as energetically as she served her supporters.” Certainly this should be a goal for all of us.

Great universities require great people of all types and skills and certainly Judie Murphy exemplified what makes the academic staff such an indispensable part of UW-Madison.

Gordon T. Ridley 
Sr. Associate Dean for Administration and Finance 
UW Medical School

ASA Document 328 
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