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ASA Document 334. NC Ballot

University of Wisconsin Academic Staff Document #334

Madison May 10, 2004



(Terms expire 6/30/2007)



Please Vote for Three Candidates


NAME                           DIST           COLL/SCH/DIV


___    Simon Anderson            155                       ENGR


          Beth Holden                 405                       CALS


          Judith Manning             237                       MED


          Mara McDonald             405                       CALS


          Jeffrey Petersen            485                       L&S










NAME                                    DIST               COLL/SCH/DIV        TERM EXPIRES


            Jackie Hank                 131                     MED                                 6-30-05     

            Ann Groves Lloyd         482                     L&S                                 6-30-06     

            Abigail Loomis              476                     LIBR                                6-30-05

            Roger Maclean             486                     CONT STUD                     6-30-06

            Tim O’Connor              467                     EDUC                               6-30-06

   Mary Ray                    274                     LAW                                 6-30-05




Candidate Statements




I am an Associate Scientist and Co-PI in the HSX Fusion Physics Laboratory, in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the College of Engineering (CoE), where I have worked as a member of the academic staff since 1981. Over the last 5 or more years I have gradually become more aware of academic staff involvement in UW governance (or lack thereof), and more involved, and feel the need to get more academic staff involved in this aspect of their work.


I am currently an academic staff representative to the Information Technology Committee, which has some oversight on the workings of DoIT, and am also participating in the Assembly ad-hoc Committee on Communications, which is trying to improve academic staff communications both within the Assembly, between Assembly reps and their districts, and between the Assembly and ASEC. I am also a member of the CoE CASI, and represent academic staff on the CoE Academic Planning Council.


And in my spare time, I am an avid squash player and until recently was the advisor to the UW squash club, which has now morphed into the Madison Squash Association.


My main reason for agreeing to stand for a position on the Nominating Committee was to add a physics-researcher input into a long-standing problem of the academic staff – involvement. So, hopefully, we can work toward getting more and different academic staff to take some time to contribute to the growth and presence of academic staff in UW governance.





It is my strongly held belief that academic staff at the UW-Madison plays a unique and exceedingly important role in the success and growth of University. The Nominating Committee further enhances our influence and impact by seeking articulate committed academic staff for appointment or election to the governing bodies on campus. My fifteen years of experience in governance and other campus activities has acquainted me with many wonderful people who also serve as academic staff. In the past three years of service on the Nominating Committee, I believe that my background of cross-department interaction for my job and my experience in governance has provided useful knowledge for the committee nomination process and wish to continue to my service. 

My current position with the University is as Administrative Program Specialist for the Biotechnology Training Program, a cross-disciplinary doctoral training program. My career as a UW academic staff member started in 1989, and I have been a representative or alternate to the Academic Staff Assembly for most of that time. Currently I serve on Nominating Committee, T32 Graduate Training Database Committee, am the only non-faculty appointee on the CALS Facilities Planning Committee and am involved in MASA activities. I helped set up the CALS CASI and served on it from 1999 through 2002, and will be running for a seat on it this year. I served on the Professional Development and Recognition Committee from 1993 to 1998, either chairing or co-chairing the Professional Grants Subcommittee for three years, and was elected chair of the PDRC for 1997-98. I have been the only non-faculty member of the Committee for Graduate Training in Scientific Ethics since my appointment in 1994. In 1997, I served on the Ad Hoc Committee on New Employee Orientation. I served as Secretary to Executive Board of MASA in 1998-99. My community involvement includes being Vice-Chair of Historic Madison, having served on the Board of Director for Women’s Transit Authority, having been Vice-Chair of the Executive Board of the Wisconsin Women’s Network, and being an as-needed neighborhood organizer in South Madison, including participating in the planning for Neighborhood Revitalization Act funding.





I am a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and have been in my current position for about 25 years. I teach courses in Immunology to undergraduate, graduate and medical students, am an undergraduate major advisor, am responsible for DARS for the undergraduate major and currently set up timetable and enrollment management for graduate courses in the department. The undergraduate major that I’m involved with is a unique situation because the degree for the undergraduate major in Medical Microbiology and Immunology is given through the College of Letters and Science but the department is in the Medical School


I have been actively involved in academic staff governance since 1995 as an Assembly representative for district 237. I also serve as an elected member of the Medical School Committee on Academic Staff Issues. Four years ago I was nominated for the Committee on Women by the academic staff Nominating Committee and for the first time became aware of what the Nominating Committee does. Serving on the Committee for Women has been very rewarding for me and I now realize that serving on the Nominating Committee is important to ensure the participation of academic staff in shared governance positions. I feel that I would be an effective person on the committee because of my long time experience in dealing with programs and personnel in different units not only in the Medical School but campus-wide.






Assistant Administrator, Laboratory of Genetics, 2001-present. I have held positions in the MedicalSchool, CALS, L&S, and the School of Veterinary Medicine since January 1, 1992. I served as an academic staff intern with Steve Lund in the Academic Personnel Office (APO) 2000-2001. I wrote a report summarizing five years of academic staff appeals during my internship. Subsequently, I was co-chair of the Staff Internship Committee in OHRD, served as a member of the Postdoctoral Scholars Working Group, have attended as a Friend of the Committee on Women in the University, ASEC and Academic Staff Assembly meetings since 2000. In Plant Pathology, I was a member of the Academic Staff Departmental Governance Group and the Departmental Curriculum Committee. I am a mentor to two students of color, serve on the Student Misconduct Committee, co-advised a Biocore student on his field research project, set up and run the Biocore Prairie Bird Observatory, and am currently co-teaching an Environmental Ethics class off campus. My concerns center on equity issues for women and minorities, including the enhancement of campus climate for all who work here, and maintenance and strengthening of shared governance. I am also concerned about job security issues for academic staff. Because I have worked in a number of departments and have participated in outreach activities for the campus, I have come to know numerous people in all walks of life. My interest in becoming a member of the Nominating Committee is to assure we have a pool of capable, competent, and willing academic staff from which to draw nominations for staff governance purposes. I am committed to extending inclusion of academic staff in all facets of shared governance.










I am the Associate Director of the Center for Demography and Ecology and the Center for Demography of Health and Aging. I have been in this position for 22 years and held no previous academic staff positions. I have held an indefinite academic staff appointment since 1994.

Current involvement in university committees: Elected member of the College of Letters and Science Committee on Academic Staff Issues (since 2002), Chair of the Area Review Committee-Administrative/Student Services/Library (committee member since 1997), Co-Chair of the L&S Professional Development and Recognition Committee (committee member since 2000). 


Past involvement in university committees: Academic Staff Mentoring Program (1999-2001), Employee Assistance Volunteer Program (beginning in 1991), UW Department of Police and Security interview team for a Community Police Officer position (2001), Department of Sociology Program Review Committee - Research (1997). 


Other professional organizations and activities: Member of the Society of Research Administrators International, member of the National Council of University Research Administrators, co-organizer of annual meetings of National Institute of Child Health and Human Development research center administrators.

I believe that members of the academic staff serve an absolutely critical role in the day-to-day operations of the university. In its ranks are individuals with a wealth of talent and dedication. If elected to the Academic Staff Nominating Committee, I would hope to contribute by encouraging those who are currently active in academic staff issues and governance to continue their role, and to draw new people into the process. 

Through my involvement in various campus committees, I have had the privilege to get to know a wide cross-section of individuals who work tirelessly to improve the campus environment. Through these contacts and within my own work unit, I believe I could be effective in identifying strong candidates for academic staff governance and committees.

ASA Document 334 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff