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ASA Document 401. CEBC Annual Report 07-08
Academic Staff Assembly Document #401
8 September 2008
2007-2008 Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Annual Report
Members: Karen Tusack (chair), Miriam Simmons, Beth Workmaster, Scott Converse, Jim Wollack, Kay Schoenherr, Linda Pitt, Bill Grogan, and Dennis Ray.
CEBC has worked on the following projects during the 2007-08 fiscal year:
◦Continued to examine Category A maxima. Jim Wollack has agreed to chair a subcommittee to continue the work.
◦Drafted a very detailed and up-to-date academic staff FAQ for the new AS website
◦Produced an information sheet on the need for academic staff instructional development “sabbaticals” or leaves. Dennis Ray headed the subcommittee and produced the report.
◦Participated in the annual Campus Benefits Fair in Oct. 2007, staffing a table that handed out numerous flyers on everything from domestic partner benefits to retirement issues.
◦Continued advocating for domestic partner benefits.
◦Clarified with GLS that academic staff members can indeed be assigned carrels in the library.
◦Worked with ASEC on reducing the number of Limited positions for career academic staff
◦Suggested topics for FBAC (System Fringe Benefits Advisory Committee) to consider, including reinstatement of benefits from 3 to 5 years to achieve parity with classified staff, domestic partner benefits strategies, a more equitable sick leave conversion plan.