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ASA Document 403. Nominating Committee Annual Report 07-08
Academic Staff Assembly Document #403
8 December 2008
2007-08 Annual Report
Mary Ray (Chair) (Law School), Jackie Hank (Department of Human Oncology) , Consuelo Lopez-Springfield, Roger Maclean (School of Business), Kim Manner (College of Engineering), Mark Matosian (School of Business), Mara McDonald (Genetics), Tim O’Connor (School of Education), Luanne von Schneidemesser (English)
Structure and Meetings
The Nominating Committee (NC) met once monthly throughout the academic year, with our last meeting in June, 2008. Members updated each other on projects; reviewed candidates’ information and made selections; determined future actions needed, such as recruitment efforts and communication with Academic Staff; and delegated tasks to each member for the upcoming month.
We genuinely appreciate the hard work and service of our members who have rotated off the committee or left for other reasons: Beth Holden, Mark Matosian, Roger Maclean, Jackie Hank, and our chair over the last two terms, Mary Ray. Mary was instrumental in organizing the Nominating Committee’s information, including updating a list of individuals who were interested in serving when openings came up. Her leadership also instructed us to be fair and consistent in how we chose individuals for openings, and to pay close attention to bringing new people into the shared governance process as well as rounding out the representation on committees from candidates across campus.
Procedures An on-going effort has been made to establish consistent procedures for the selection of candidates:
•To enlist new candidates and to ensure that a greater pool of Academic Staff have opportunities to serve on committees, the NC Chair sends out a notice to the Assembly Representatives, who are asked to pass it onto their district members for soliciting volunteers to serve. Nominees are chosen based on skills, fit, and interests, as well as to enhance diversity on all committees. Candidates are asked:
Why are you interested in this particular committee?
What strengths would you bring to this committee?
Tell us about your work experience and your length of service.
•To ensure that the committees function well, NC members contact the chairs of the committees to solicit information regarding what skills and abilities are needed for the group. Chairs are also consulted before an incumbent’s name is sent up for re-appointment.
•To encourage wide-spread involvement, committee members are limited to two consecutive terms, except where the serving member is in the middle of an important project and the chair requests a continuance for that member, the committee is composed of specialists or uniquely qualified individuals, or the member is willing to continue to serve when no candidate has come forth.
Pool of Candidates
The NC maintains a list of individuals interested in serving on Academic Staff and Joint Governance Committees from which to draw nominations (see above).
Appointments and Election SlatesThe NC committee submitted names of candidates for election slates to the Academic Staff Assembly for the following committees, with the total number of candidates listed (including names sent for replacements to ASEC):
Compensation and Economic Benefits 4
Districting and Representation 3
Professional Development and Recognition 5
Personnel Policies and Procedures 7
We nominated the following people and sent their names to ASEC for appointment:
Area Review Committee, Biolgical/Medical Sciences: Karen Moriello
Area Review Committee, Humanities/Social Sciences: Arlen Brannstrom, Laurie Martin-Berg
Area Review Committee, Physical Sciences/Engineering: Allen Hung-Lung Huang, Yvonne Nagel
AS Appeals Committee: Martha Blalock, Joanne Brown, Carol Pech, Don Woolston, Felix Savino, Dennis Christofferson
Access and Accommodation: Jim Ferris, Jerry Halverson
ADA Task Force: Jim Ferris
Athletic Board: Jeff Anders
Campus Diversity Oversight Committee: Kelly Burton, Maria Muniagurria
Campus Transportation Committee: Jason Bittner
Chancellor’s Commission on Fraternities and Sororities: Susan Pastor
Committee on Women in the University: Sarah Pfatteicher, Nancy Wiegand, Yolanda Garza, Christine Poleski
Council on Academic Advising: Elizabeth Preston, Grace Kewson
Equity and Diversity Resource Center Advisory Committee: Antonio Noguera
Health Care Advisory: B.A. Scheuers
Information Technology Committee: Sandra Paske
Labor Licensing Committee: Diane Turner
Lakeshore Nature Preserve: Elsa Althen
Library Committee: Anjali Bhasin, Pamela Wilson
Memorial Library Committee: Ruth Olson
Morgridge Center Committee: Martin Rouse (reappt)
Recreational Sports Board: Steve Rader
Retirement Issues Committee: Doug Worsham, Steve Pearson
Student Misconduct Hearing Examiners Committees: Patty Atwood, Shannon Elliot, Steve Schroeder, Patricia Schraeder
Student Policies and Non-academic Programs: Ben Rodriguez
Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid Committee: Becky Duffy
Mentoring Program Steering Committee: Dan Aerts, Ronald Harris, Angie White
Personnel Classification Committee 3 names were sent forward, 1 chosen
District Representatives We found representatives for the following AS districts (technically not our job):
120, 211, 265, 308, 335, 356, 377, 433, 449, 471, 524