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ASA Document 439. ASPP Changes for the Mentoring Committee

Proposed language for ASPP revision for new standing committee of the Assembly
 Added to ASPP Chapter 14. COMMITTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY under 14.12 Committees of the Academic Staff Assembly


3.    Mentoring Committee.

a.    Responsibilities. The Mentoring Committee promotes professional and personal development among academic staff through its mentoring program, which recruits and connects individuals who have been on campus for less than five years (mentees) with individuals who have been on campus for more than five years (mentors). It provides guidelines for how mentors may offer mentees advice, coaching, guidance, information about the UW-Madison campus and may offer programming and other services for mentoring pairs.

b.    Committee Size. The Mentoring Committee shall consist of nine members.

c.    Membership.

i.     Eligibility. Members of the academic staff holding a salaried appointment shall be eligible to serve on the Mentoring Committee providing they are not excluded under 14.12.B.3.c.ii.

ii.   Exclusions. No more than two members may be from the same district or three members from the same school, college or division.

d.   Terms of Office. Mentoring Committee members shall serve for three-year terms, beginning July 1. There is no limit to the number of terms a member may serve.

e.    Election Processes.

i.     One-third of the Mentoring Committee shall be elected each year.

ii.   The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees that exceeds the number of vacant seats assuring broad representation of academic staff regarding professional interests, employing unit, and funding source. .

iii. Nominees may be added to the slate by motion from the floor or by petition by ten academic staff members.

iv. Election will be in the spring by ballot to Assembly representatives following the meeting at which the slate is presented. Those candidates receiving the most votes from all the valid ballots cast will fill the vacant positions providing the provisions of 14.12.B.3.c.ii are met. If one of the top candidates is ineligible, the next eligible candidate with the most votes will be elected.

f.     Chair(s). The chair (or co-Chairs if the Mentoring Committee so elects) will be elected by majority vote of the Committee at its first meeting each year. In the case of a tie vote, the ASEC chair will cast the deciding vote.

g.    Vacancies. Vacancies will be filled by appointment by ASEC from a list of nominees supplied by the Nominating Committee. The appointed committee member will serve until the next regular election for that seat.

h. Recall. The Assembly may consider recalling a member of the Mentoring Committee on recommendation of a majority of the committee members. If there is a tie vote, the Academic Staff Executive Committee may appoint one or more members of the Assembly to consult with the Mentoring Committee and report back to the ASEC. If a recommendation to recall a committee member is made by committee vote or after a recommendation from a consultant(s), the recall will require a majority vote by the Assembly. If a member of the Mentoring Committee is recalled, the procedures in 14.12.B.3.g. shall be followed to select a replacement.

ASA Document 439 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff