Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2012-2013 > 01. July

Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 07-12-12

Approved on 7-19-2012


2:00-4:30 Thursday, July 12, 2012

67 Bascom Hall


Members Present:  Jeff Shokler - Chair, Daña Alder -Vice-Chair; Marwa Bassiouni, Denny Hackel, 
Jim Maynard, Heather McFadden, Robert Newsom, Erin Silva


Members Absent:  Heather Daniels - Past Chair


Guests:  Steve Lund, APO; Jenny Dahlberg, CEBC Co-Chair; Ralph Grunewald, Ad Hoc Orientation Materials Chair


Call To Order/Agenda Review

Chair Jeff Shokler called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.


Automatic Consent Business

The ASEC minutes of June 27 and June 28, 2012, were approved.


Provost Update:  Paul DeLuca

·      The Provost discussed the process for receipt and review of recommendations regarding HR Design. He receives dozens of points with possibly two or more specifics that lead to final recommendations. He feels this process is working well.

·      Topics covered in the HR Design project included:  30-day lay-off notice, indefinite appointments, exempt/non-exempt staff changes, and definition of ‘permanent’ status.

·      This new system will be a functional system by July 2013 with approval by the Joint Committee on Employee Relations (JoCER).


Committee Reports:

·      Ralph Grunewald, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Orientation Materials, presented the finished product compiled by his committee that was developed for new academic staff. Jeff Shokler commended Ralph and his committee for such a fine finished product and indicated that ASEC will now review this document

·      Jenny Dahlberg, CEBC Co-Chair, introduced herself and asked about roles and responsibilities; Jeff will address this concern at the ASEC Planning Meeting on August 16, 2012.


Liaison Reports:

Denny Hackel reported on the July 10, 2012, CNCS Council Meeting.  CNCS is in the midst of creating a survey to be sent to the approximate 5,000 unrepresented staff.  They are discussing the proposals for 30-day lay-off notices, employment status, bi-weekly pay periods, and shifting FSLA-exempt to academic staff as part of the HR design.


Guest:  Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office

Steve distributed the information that was presented to the Advisory Committee on the issues of Transition and Succession and Performance Management.  Discussion ensued on various points as positives and negatives were debated.



·      HR Design:

-   Motion as set forth in the following statements below were moved by Jim Maynard, seconded, and approved unanimously.

§  ASEC supports a systematic, comprehensive compensation structure that includes but is not limited to market-based factors.

§  ASEC supports the creation of a centralized compensation office that is appropriately staffed and qualified to carry out its functions and also staffed at a level comparable to peer institutions.

§  ASEC supports allowing performance raises for all employees provided that there is a fully implemented performance management system in place that is used for evaluating the performance of all employees. 

§  ASEC supports the use of overtime for public safety employees who are FLSA- exempt. ASEC does not support the use of overtime pay for other FSLA exempt employees.

§  ASEC supports the elimination of caps on salary categories.  In addition, and as a result, the system should conduct regular exercises to deal with salary compression issues.

§  ASEC supports the creation of a shared governance oversight board to oversee (not just to advise) the newly formed compensation office.

§  ASEC supports a classification and compensation study for the UW-Madison campus, one that includes an analysis of appropriate titles for positions that may use the word “professor” (e.g. non-tenure track faculty).

§  ASEC supports the adoption of promotional levels within titles that allow for a lifetime of career progression.  These levels should be appropriately named for the position and be consistent with or readily translatable to title structures/levels that are commonly used elsewhere.

§  Please note that motions to edit above were made, seconded, and approved with one abstention as seen above.

·      The Chancellor’s shared governance support letter to deans, directors, department chairs, and faculty was discussed, edited, and is now ready to be sent forChancellor’s signature. All academic staff are copied on this letter.


General Report – Jeff Shokler, Chair

·      Jeff is now meeting with Jo Ann Carr on Tuesday mornings for overview meetings.

·      Jeff received a request from Kevin Reilly for ASEC to submit four names by September 14, 2012 for the Chancellor’s Search and Screen Committee. Committee members will be announced the week of September 17, 2012.  This committee will be charged at the end of September.

·      Standing Committee Chair meetings will be held beginning next week.

·      The ASEC Planning Meeting will held August 16, 2012.

·      Many dean searches are now being held. 

·      Mary Johansen, Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that Donna’s extended leave is in effect beginning July 16, 2012.  Hopefully, Donna will return in mid-November.

·      The office is getting ready to print the academic staff handbook so it will be ready to distribute at the September 10, 2012, Assembly meeting.


Guest – Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office

·      Different aspects of the HR Design project were discussed.  Topics covered included:

-   Pay-period changes are not likely to happen.

-   Information presented to the Provost is coming mainly from discussions between Steve and Darrell Bazzell.  They have put forth information on: Recruitment/Assessment, Governance, and UWSA information thus far.

-   About 100 – 150 lay-offs occur each year, most as the result of the loss of funding.

-   Most academic staff employees are not on 101funding and follow federal funding guidelines and cycles.


Next ASEC Meeting, July 19, 2012 – for decision


Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wisc. Stats. 19.85 (1) (c)

-  Shared Governance Committees

-  ASEC Liaison Appointments – 2012-13

-  VP for Libraries Search & Screen Committee

-  Director of Recreational Sports Search & Screen Committee

-  Task Force for Multiple Roles


Reconvene in Open Session


Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.


Submitted by Mary Johansen, Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff


ASEC Minutes 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff