Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2012-2013 > 09. March
Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 03-07-13
Members Present: Marwa Bassiouni, Heather Daniels, Past-Chair, Denny Hackel, Heather McFadden, Vice Chair; Jim Maynard, Robert Newson, Jeff Shokler, Chair; Erin Silva.
Guests: Russell Dimond, BIPS; Robin Kurtz, ASEC Member-Designate, Steve Lund, APO; Lillian Tong, Diversity Planning Ad Hoc Committee
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.
The ASEC minutes for Thursday, February 28, 2013, were approved as distributed.
• Convene in closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to consider recommendations for appointments to committees. Moved by Heather McFadden. Seconded by Robert Newsom. Motion Approved.
- Motion to forward Michelle Curtis’s name and statement to the Chancellor for appointment to ASAC. (Moved by Heather Daniels. Seconded by Marwa Bassiouni. Approved.)
- Motion to request that the Nominating Committee identify another individual to serve on the Appeals Committee. (Moved by Jim Maynard. Seconded by Heather Daniels. Approved.)
• Reconvene in open session. (Moved by Heather McFadden. Seconded by Heather Daniels. Approved.)
• Discussion of academic staff assembly engagement: ASEC recognized that the challenge of having a quorum at Assembly meetings is a symptom of deeper problems regarding governance roles, communications, and the need to reflect the needs, structure, and working environment of academic staff.
• Due diligence for Chancellor search: Heather Daniels updated ASEC on the due diligence contacts on Chancellor candidates.
• Diversity Planning Ad Hoc Committee: Heather McFadden and Lillian Tong discussed the work of the Ad Hoc Committee in identifying themes that reflect the needs of all constituencies. Major issues for academic staff include the need for programs targeted to recruitment and retention of academic staff; addressing climate issues including ‘classism’; and the need for accountability and analysis to more fully understand the present environment. The Ad Hoc committee needs to be able to discuss the ‘undiscussible’ in order to identify patterns and evaluate the effectiveness of current programs. The identification of positions held by academic staff from minority populations may provide a deeper reflection of diversity among academic staff.
Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office: UW System has indicated that raising the maxima of salary ranges may be considered at a later date. ASEC has requested data on the number of academic staff who are within 10% of the maxima of their salary range. Russell indicated the CCF working groups are also examining the number of individuals who were not eligible for CCF because they were too close to the salary range maxima. ASEC discussed the need for focusing on a career arc for academic staff rather than a limited number of progression steps. Steve expressed hope that there will be other mechanisms to address salary compression issues before the completion of the title study, however, the rate and title study should be completed before there are any fundamental changes made in the current system. In response to an ASEC inquiry about the reduction in job security options for academic staff at other UW System campuses, Steve indicated there is no central move to reduce job security for academic staff. ASEC also inquired about the ‘unwritten policy’ regarding indefinite appointments. Steve speculated that the length of the layoff period notice for indefinite appointments reduces the willingness of deans/directors to support indefinite appointments.
General Reports
• Jeff Shokler, ASEC Chair: The governance chairs will be meeting with ASM Shared Governance committee to increase understanding of shared governance
• Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff: Topics for upcoming Assembly meetings and a draft schedule of Assembly meetings are being developed. ASEC will meet on March 14 from 2:00-3:00 to discuss the Chancellor candidates. ASEC and standing committee slates and petition forms for adding candidates to the slates will be sent to all academic staff after the assembly meeting on Monday.
• Heather McFadden, AE: The AE Advisory Committee discussed the need for greater transparency as well as more involvement of governance units in the AE process.
• Heather McFadden, Diversity: Reported on the work of the committee.
• Erin Silva, LTE/Temporary Employment Committee: This committee has drafted temporary employment parameters for presentation to the executive sponsors.
• Erin Silva, EI Committee: This committee is identifying the parameters and structure of the committee and has discussed technology upgrades in classrooms that interface with EI. They will be examining the reward structure and motivators for academic staff who play multiple roles in the implementation of EI.
• Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee – Jenny Dahlberg/Karen Tusack: CECC met a week and half ago and heard concerns at workflow and involvement. The data on category A caps should be shared with CEBC.
• Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Budget Issues, Policies and Strategies – Russell Dimond: The committee has begun interviews and are beginning work on compiling the data sets. The CCF working groups will report to ASEC on April 18.
Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff.