Topics Map > Communications Committee (CC) > 2009-2010
Communications Committee Minutes 2-5-10
Academic Staff Communications Committee Meeting
February 5, 2010
9:30am - 11:00am
Room 302 Teacher Education
Present: Bob Rettammel, Mark Lilleleht, Mary Posin, Bob Ash, Renee Meiller, Dick Geier, Greg Iaccarino, Brian Rust (notes)
1. Minutes from 1/8/10 meeting approved.
2. Review web stats (10/09-12/15/09). Pageviews fairly steady at 3500-4000, and unique visitors at 750-830 per month. We would like to find out:
- do we use page titles? Wondering, since some of the "where traffic comes from" is obscure.
- how video is tracked.
- profile approval process needs to be fixed.
- need to enable blog/comments on News.
- can we have Profiles rotate on home page? Not continuously, but each time a person clicks on the page. Brian will ask web support person.
3. Survey review (Bob).
Want to include easy-of-use and functionality questions regarding web. Group suggested creating several small surveys instead of one large one. The Bobs will assemble feedback from Renee, Mark and Mary and submit a final draft within two weeks.
4. Meeting adjourned at 10:40.
Upcoming ASSC Meetings, Spring Semester 2010
March 5, April 9, May 7; 9:30 am to 11:00 am in 302 Teacher Education for all meetings