Topics Map > Academic Staff Assembly > 2013-2014 > 7. April

Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 04-14-14

APPROVED 5-12-14

272 Bascom Hall
Monday, April 14, 2014
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Provost Paul DeLuca called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m.

Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, March 10, 2014 were approved as distributed.  

Guests: The Professional Development and Recognition Committee presented the 2014 Academic Staff Excellence Award Winners.  

Standing Committee and Other Reports

•    ASEC – Chair Heather McFadden reported on changes being made to Shared Governance Committees in Chapter 6 of Faculty Policies and Procedures to include classified staff governance.  She provided an update on the ongoing process of exploring leadership changes in the Graduate School.  
There are two upcoming volunteer opportunities for academic staff.  One is to assist in planning for the newly created Campus Supervisor Network.  The other is to volunteer for the Ad Hoc Committee on Bridge Funding.  
The Ad Hoc Diversity Committee is working on the final version of their framework.  The framework will be voted on at the May Assembly meeting.  Heather M. provided two updates from the Secretary’s office.  First, she thanked Sharon Colby who worked as an LTE in the Secretary’s office this spring.  Secondly, she announced that the Secretary’s office will be compiling Academic Staff Legislation, which will consist of policy documents passed by the Assembly that do not reside in ASPP.  

•    Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee – Co-chair Jenny Dahlberg reported CEBC has finished an academic staff pay tools document that will be made available to campus shortly.  The survey about job titling will be sent out by CEBC soon.  CEBC is also in discussions with the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee regarding job security data analysis.

•    Mentoring Committee – Co-chair Brenda Spychalla gave a brief update on recent activities.  They held an event on workplace challenges in late February.  In addition, the committee has been overhauling its charge.  These changes will be voted on later in the meeting.

•    Nominating Committee – Committee member Barb Gerloff reported the Nominating Committee is currently working to fill shared governance committee vacancies.  Interested academic staff can fill out the Get Involved button on the website.  She also announced there will be an election prior to the May Assembly meeting to fill the ASEC position vacated by Erin Silva.

•    Professional Development and Recognition Committee – Co-chair Curtis Ryals announced the spring round of Professional Development grants were due on Friday, May 9.  The committee will be reviewing these in the coming weeks.

•    Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO) – Board member Kevin Niemi reported the legislature is done for the current year, although there could be a special session.  The legislature did approve a new option for WRS buy in for veterans.

ASPP Changes Chapter 4
There was a motion to approve by Jenny Dahlberg (District #417).  Motion was seconded by Jim Rogers (District #499). Approved.

ASPP Changes Chapter 5.01
There was a motion to approve by Jim Rogers (District #499). Motion was seconded by Jenny Dahlberg (District #417). Approved.

ASPP Changes Chapter 6.01
There was a motion to approve by Jim Rogers (District #499). Motion was seconded by Scott Mellor (District #262).
An amendment was made to add word “adversely” in place of words “that affects” by Jim Rogers (District #499)  Seconded. Approved.  
Amended changes were approved with some dissent.

ASPP Changes Chapter 8.01, 8.04
There was a motion to approve by Jim Rogers (District #499). Motion was seconded by Jeanne Hendricks (District #458).
Amendment to add “in a timely manner” prior to in writing of written.  Withdrawn.  
Original changes were approved.

ASPP Changes Chapter 13.03
There was a motion to approve by Jim Rogers (District #499). Motion was seconded by Jenny Dahlberg (District #417). Approved.

ASPP Changes Chapter 14.12
There was a motion to approve by Jenny Dahlberg (District #417). Seconded. Approved.

Motion Regarding HR Design Language for Performance Management
There was a motion to refer this motion to the Academic Staff Executive Committee by Dennis Ray (District #155).  Motion was seconded by Consuelo Lopez Springfield (District #489).  Approved with some dissent.

Resolution Regarding Professor of Practice Honorific Title
There was a motion to approve by Scott Mellor (District #262). Motion was seconded by Jenny Dahlberg (District #417).  There was a motion to refer this resolution to Academic Staff Executive Committee so they can discuss the possibility of adding the honorific title of “Teaching Professor” with the University Committee.  Seconded.  Approved with significant dissent.

Motion to Request Ombuds Office to Provide Annual Recommendations to the Academic Staff Assembly
Motion was made by Jim Rogers (District #499).  Seconded.  A substitute motion was made to change the wording on the motion to “The Academic Staff Assembly anticipates the Ombuds Office at or near the time of giving their annual report may wish to make recommendations for potential action by the Academic Staff Assembly in order to improve campus climate for employees.”  Seconded. Approved.

Resolution on the "Revised Report: Working Group on Leadership Changes in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research/Dean of the Graduate School"
There was a motion to approve by Noel Radomski (District #377). Motion was seconded by Michael Moscicke (District #498).  Approved.

Election Results
Secretary Heather Daniels announced that Bruno Browning, Sarah Kuba, and Michael Moscicke won seats on ASEC starting July 1, 2014.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:16 p.m.

ASA Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff