February 20, 2012
Attendees: Eliza Waters, Lea Aschkenase, Beth Ann Workmaster, Jason Jankoski, Dennis Ray, Karen Tusack, Robert Purvis.
Guest: Russell Dimond, Chair, Budget Committee of the Academic Staff.
1. Russell Dimond of the Budget Committee presented some draft proposals for university policies/programs affecting academic staff and asked for CEBC's comments/suggestions/questions. The proposals will be given to Darrell Bazzell.
Support for Academic Staff Affected by Elimination of Positions in their Areas: When a position is eliminated, the unit should be expected to automatically document what the duties were, who is going to do them now, and review if the change in duties will warrant a salary increase for the person taking on those duties. Lea asked if this also could be done when positions are not filled for a long time as opposed to being terminated. Could these situations be treated as overloads for the people taking on extra jobs?
Strategic Projects Fund: This would be a fund to give academic staff the opportunity to carry out small projects of value to the University. The projects would be selected competitively.
Critical Academic Staff Fund: This fund would be used for retention of academic staff, the same objective as the faculty high demand fund. Budget Committee's request of CEBC: Consider criteria that could be used to justify compensation of those academic staff whose departure would adversely affect the University. General comment: perhaps this and the other programs could be started as prototypes/pilots on a small scale first and then scaled up if they work.
2. January minutes approved
3. CEBC layoff notice document comments/suggestions
If a person's layoff letter is late, or other procedure not followed, what is the recourse? Ask ASEC or PPPC for rules? ASPP might have the answer? Link to it in our doc? Flesh out "on time" in ASPP. Reason for layoff: Can the employee get a copy of justification that is sent from the dept or unit to the Dean? Ask APO: is there more info, or does it match what's in the letter?
Add language about both taking vacation and lump sum options for vacation benefits.
We should suggest contacting Benefit Services ASAP when a layoff notice is received.
Beth and Karen will amend the document in time for this week's meeting with ASEC.
4. CEBC turnover: We will need yet another member, as Robert Purvis is retiring on March 5th! It was suggested we create a “new member document” and include flow charts, what the committee does each year, what duties of chair are, etc.
5. Karen reported on ASEC subcommittee chair's meeting (Karen substituted for Dennis)
ASEC thought we did a great job on the layoff notice document (This feedback was before the meeting between ASEC and CEBC).
All committees need to think about continuity as members rotate off. Having a co-chair for the last year when someone is planning on leaving the chair's position would be helpful as well. Current chairs should give an orientation to new members as well as new chairs.
Committees should consider using a mywebspace for CEBC.
Each subcommittee gave a brief report on what they're doing this year.
We all need to be better at posting agendas on the AS website a week in advance of the meeting and following up with posting minutes in a timely fashion.
6. Metrics on compensation and economic benefits:
Dennis suggested the CEBC consider what metrics for compensation and benefits to track for ASEC and the Academic Staff Assembly. Examples could be number of layoff notices, non-renewals, average compensation, etc. We should brainstorm in the future about what metrics would be useful to have reported on a regular basis.