Topics Map > Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC) > 2010-2011

Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Minutes 11-16-10


NOVEMBER 16, 2010

1:30-3:00 ROOM 350 BASCOM

Present: Ana Araujo, Lea Aschkenase, Robert Purvis, Dennis Ray, Miriam Simmons, Alec Widerski, Beth Ann Workmaster, Eliza Waters 
Cheryl Diermyer has resigned from the CEBC and Eliza Waters has agreed to post the CEBC minutes to the CEBC website. 

1. October 19, 2010 minutes will be approved by e-mail. 

2. Email to All Employees Covered by the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS): Committee members noted that they had received different e-mails/documents from WRS. Ana and Beth will send committee members the various e-mails/ documents. There was a brief discussion about the new requirement that UW system employees will be required to pay a .2% portion of their earnings to the WRS for 2011 and about the exemption for employees covered by the WRS Executive Pay Plan. As a result of this discussion Alec and Lea will review the WRS documents and generate questions/concerns to be brought back to the CEBC. Specifically, Alec and Lea were asked to find out the possible WRS percentage increase over the next 5 years and why employees covered by the WRS Executive Pay Plan are exempt from paying the .2% portion of their earnings. The CEBC will determine the next steps, including determining a contact person to provide a Brown Bag informational meeting for Academic Staff. 

3. We discussed the 2010-11 Academic Staff Assembly Priorities document. Committee members made the recommendation that we change #5, (under Priority: Propose, anticipate, review and respond to possible changes in academic staff working conditions) to Monitor, report and critique on the status of: a. Retirement contributions. 

4. FAQs: Beth spoke briefly about the Domestic Partner Benefits FAQ and the Academic Staff FAQ. Miriam will highlight the importance of reviewing and updating these documents to the PPPC. Miriam sent Donna Silver, secretary of the Academic Staff, the recent updates Beth made to the FAQs. Those updates and others will be uploaded to the FAQ, hopefully by the end of November. 

5. Transportation subcommittee: The committee discussed the document entitled Comments on Options for Addressing Budget Deficits in Transportation Services. Committee members made a couple of recommended changes, including deleting #2 under Bus Pass Program Recommendations and modifying #1 regarding evening employment. Eliza agreed to make the agreed upon changes, and to send an updated document to all committee members. Once approval was received, Eliza will forward the report to Heather Daniels, chair of ASEC. Eliza also recommended that interested committee members set up a meeting with Patrick Kass to discuss this document. 

6. Benefits Calculations for Staff: We discussed Ana’s Draft memorandum re: Partial Month Salary Calculation. It was recommended that we establish a dialogue with HR about this issue. Ana agreed that she would send the memorandum to Robert Lavigna, Director, HR, to begin this dialogue. Heather Daniels, chair of ASEC, will be copied on the memorandum. The memorandum would indicate that Ana is sending it on behalf of the CEBC. It was also recommended that Steve Lund be included copied on the memorandum. 

7. The University is still in the process of selecting a company to perform the efficiency review of the University. 

8. There was a brief discussion about the possibility that Academic Staff will be assigned to Unions, and will not be given the choice to make this decision. Committee members agreed that it will be important to attend informational forums to learn more about this issue. 
Meeting adjourned at 3:05. 
Respectfully submitted by Lea Aschkenase

CEBC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff