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Professional Development and Recognition Committee Minutes 4-8-14

PDRC Minutes 4-8-14

PDRC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, April 8th, 2014,       11:00-12:00 a.m.      Union South

Attendance:   Jeff Armstrong, Colleen Barrett, Danielle Benden, Jay Ford, Elisabeth Foster, Ralph Grunewald, Amy Hawley, Alison Rice, Curtis Ryals.
1. Automatic Consent Business
 – Minutes for February 2014 approved.

3. Standing Subcommittees reports

o PD grants – Danielle and Amy
- Danielle reported 28 applications still in progress and 50 complete. Deadline is Friday 4/11 for Dean’s approval (deadline for applicant was March 21st, deadline for Chair approval was March 28th).
- With over 50 applications we will split into two groups within the sub-committee to review. There is still an online system issue -it is set to close so new applications are not accepted but edits to current applications can be made.
- Danielle polled committee to see if late submissions should be noted and possibly used as criteria in the sub-committee when considering awarding funding? Discussion occurred.
- Motion from Curtis to have applications that were submitted late be flagged by Heather and noted so the committee can make decisions about how to weigh that factor in the review. Jeff seconded. All in favor, motion passed.

o Awards – Elisabeth and Jeff
- Elisabeth asked for names of  PDRC members who did not receive Awards Reception invitation. Ralph, Amy , Jay and Jeff (and Stephanie) had not. Elisabeth will report this information to Heather.
Award Reception is Wednesday, April 23rd from 5:00 – 7:00 pm at the Fluno Center.
- Alison agreed to pick up plaques for the winners once notified by Heather that they are ready.
- Elisabeth has copy of letters sent to non-winners in Spring and to nominators to encourage re-nomination in Fall, usually send by the Secretary’s Office. These will be emailed to the PDRC for feedback and edits done by Fall. 

o Executive Education Grants – Ralph and Jay
- Ralph reported that grant applications were due on April 1st.  There were 17 applications. Jay and Ralph met to review the applications and all 5 awards offered by Executive Education were granted (a total of about 1/3 of applicants were funded).

4.  Committee business

- Curtis is working on paperwork to request an increase in PDRC membership to 16 people. This would be the biggest committee in the Academic Staff Assembly.
The Nominating Committee has been contacted but they are not very responsive. Given the workload of the PDRC, this is still considered a worthwhile inquiry.
- Curtis will attend the Assembly Meeting on April 14th at which time he will announce the winners of the Academic Staff Awards, many of whom will be attending that meeting to be recognized.

KeywordsPDRC Minutes April   Doc ID39929
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2014-05-12 15:25:02Updated2020-07-13 16:10:27
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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