Topics Map > Nominating Committee > 2011-2012
Nominating Committee Agenda 11-15-11
November 15, 2011, 12:30pm-2:00pm
Meeting place Room 69 Bascom Hall
1. Identify notetaker
2. Approval of minutes of October 2011.
3. Motion to convene in Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (c) to discuss personnel matters.
4. Elected Committees (Will)
Action from October meeting:
- Steve: Update info on ASEC appointment in wiki
- All: Update committee info in Wiki
- Will/Steve/Lisa: send info to committee about next steps (i.e., approaching candidates, sharing committee info, asking for candidate statements)
- All: Contact candidates and start getting statements.
- Steve: Find and share message from Heather Daniels about ASEC committee needs.
Review immediate openings and info from committee chairs. Review next steps in preparing slates.
- ASEC-Laura and Barb
- CEBC-Steve
- CC-Donna
- DRC-Lisa
- MC-Sheila
- PPPC-Consuelo
- PDRC-Will
- NC
5. Appointed/Shared Governance Committees (Barb)
Action from October meeting:
- Steve: Follow up with Donna Cole on status of Student Misconduct/Pare appointment in Wiki
- Steve: Follow up with co-chairs about process for notifying Donna Silver of our recommendations.
- Steve: Link to Ron statement in wiki
- Steve: Update Research Safety and Compliance/Bound appointment in wiki
- Laura: Notify Sandra and Heather they were not selected for Research, will keep them in mind for future openings.
Review immediate openings and candidate pool. Review next steps in filling appointments.
- Frat & Soro: Barb
- Student Misconduct: Donna
- Retirement Issues. Lisa
- Library: Sheila
- Campus Transportation: Steve
- Research Safety and Compliance: Laura
6. ARCs/Appeals
Action from October meeting:
- Barb: Find candidates
Review immediate openings and candidate pool. Review next steps in filling appointments.
- ARC/Physical Sciences: Donna
- ARC/Humanities/Social Sciences: at least one opening
7. Motion to reconvene in open session.
8. Updates
Please be prepared to give a brief report on your role.
- Chairs-Steve, Donna, Lisa
- Website overseer-Sheila
- Pool keeper-Steve
- Pool grower-Lisa
- Data manager-Steve
- Assembly and ASEC point person-Consuelo
- Meeting facilitator-Laura
9. Other business
- Will's correct district and units are 401/IBE. No longer in L&S. Action – Lisa: Notify Donna Silver and ASEC re: makeup of Nominating Committee
- Business cards – Will handed out sample layouts but we didn't have time to discuss them at the meeting.Tabled til November meeting.
- Get Involved flyers. Action – Lisa: Get an electronic copy from Mary Johanssen to share with various groups.
10. Adjournment