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Nominating Committee Agenda and Minutes 8-30-11

Academic Staff Nominating Committee

Yearly Planning Meeting for 2011/2012 Minutes

Tuesday, August 30th

12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

UW Hospital, Mezzanine Conference Room

Members Present: Donna Cole, Lisa Jansen, Barb Gerloff, Consuelo Springfield, Sheila Stoeckel, Steve Devoti

Steve, Barb, and Will – beginning their 3rd years on NC

Lisa and Donna and Laura – beginning their 2nd year on NC

Sheila and Consuelo – beginning their 1st year on NC

Lance beginning 4th year (2nd term)

Members Absent: Laura Van Toll, Lance Rodenkirch, Will Lipske

Donna took notes for the meeting as well as recorded the meeting on Pear note software on her Mac

Donna Cole welcomed committee members and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

The WIKI tutorial by Steve was skipped because he was going to be late. Both Sheila and Consuelo said that they had already had a guided tour of the WIKI from Jennifer Sheridan so we could move forward with the agenda.

Operational plans for the NC in the coming year.

Lisa explained the reasoning behind restructuring plan to identify specific people for specific tasks. Each person will head up one or more of these initiatives. There are 8 different roles that Steve, Donna, and Lisa have proposed. The names following each role were either self-nominated or chosen to take the lead by the members that were present at the meeting.

Website Overseer – this person will do a monthly check of the NC’s

information on the AS website and give a report at the NC monthly meeting. This would be something good for someone new to the NC to take over. This person will come to each NC monthly meeting and give an update on changes/updates that were made to the website. SHEILA

Pool Keeper – this person will collect names of interested AS who

wish to serve on a committee or committees. This process is automated on the AS website. The potential candidate fills out a form and it is sent to someone on our committee to add to the pool. STEVE

Pool Grower – this person will head up a new initiative to find

people for the pool, including using the AS list serve, speaking around campus at CASIs or other AS group meetings, etc.


Data Manager – this person will manage the data on the Wiki and

supply data to the NC about the makeup of committees and the pool. This person keeps the data on all academic staff.


Meeting Facilitator – this person will be responsible for making sure

the NC adheres to the open meetings laws. They will send out the monthly meeting agenda and the email all for agenda items to NC members. They will make sure that the minutes are posted on the Wiki in a timely manner.


Standing Committee Chair – this person will coordinate the efforts

of all of the NC members who are collecting the nominations for the 7 standing committees of the ASEC. This person will be the busiest in the fall for slates that need to be filled by the end of the calendar year.



Personnel Policies and Procedures (PPPC)

Professional Development and Recognition (PDRC)

Districting and Representation (DRC)

Compensation and Economic Benefits (CEBC)

Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC)


Shared Governance Chair – this person will oversee the

nominations for the many committees that have appointed members. This person will be the busiest in the spring when most appointments are made.


Assembly and ASEC Point – this person will write and give the

yearly presentation to the Academic Staff Assembly of the NC Annual Report. They will also work with the Pool Grower to send messages out to the Assembly Rep list serve and serve as the liaison between the NC and ASEC. They will be responsible for attending the monthly Assembly meetings (2nd Monday of the month). This person will also attend ASEC meetings from time to time in order to give updates and answer questions (ASEC meets almost every Thursday afternoon at 2:00 pm in room 67 at Bascom Hall).


Discussion of possible times and dates for monthly NC meetings.

Action Item: Donna will send out a doodle pool

Tuesday afternoons: 12:30 – 2:00 pm

4th Wednesday of the month afternoons: 12:30- 2:00 pm

Wednesday mornings: 9:30 – 11:00 am

1st, 2nd, or 4th Friday afternoons: 12:30 – 2:00 pm

Discussion of the possibility of adding Lisa Jansen as a third co-chair of

the NC. This would need to be voted on by the full committee and so it was tabled and Donna will send out an email for members to vote online (Action Item). Lisa would take over the initiative of finding more people for candidates. One that we are particularly concerned about are the districts that don’t have reps that communicate items to their constituents. We also want new AS to find out about governance. And we are always looking for more research and teaching academic staff. Steve and Donna met with Heather Daniels and Donna Silver and proposed the “triumvirate” model and they didn’t have any objections to this plan.

Discussion of new list serve that is available to Donna Silver this year that goes to all academic staff members. We will need to compose an email that would go out as a call for applicants to fill out our online survey and have their names added to lists of potential candidates. Lisa offered to draft something up first and then send it out to the NC for edits/comments (Action Item). Lisa asked if there were any comments that people wanted to make now. Barb brought up the fact that some people are uncomfortable with having to actually run against other academic staff members for offices.

Action Item: Steve will change the electronic survey form to indicate which committees are elected and which are appointed.

Barb also suggested that we find someone on each of the standing committees who would be willing to be named on the email that goes out to the list serve as someone the potential candidate could contact for more information. This was discussed, but Steve thought it would take a lot of prep to identify these contact people and he didn’t know if we had the time to do this before the end of September. Lisa brought up that on the survey is a link to each of the committee’s web pages.

We discussed how much experience is necessary to serve on committees. Steve brought up that communicating that there are varying levels of experience that are needed on committees. Lisa will use some of this language on the draft email message.

The Chancellor’s letter on shared governance should be linked to the email.

We discussed the timing of the letter going out and the third week of September was agreed upon.

Move into closed session. Donna moved, Lisa seconded.

Move into open session. Donna moved, Lisa seconded.

Steve will continue to work on the WIKI to streamline and make corrections (Action Item).

A motion was made to adjourn (Lisa Jansen), second by Sheila. Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Cole

Next Meeting date and location: TBD by email

KeywordsNominating Committee Agenda and Minutes   Doc ID40305
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2014-05-23 11:30:51Updated2020-07-13 16:08:46
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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