Topics Map > Mentoring Committee
Mentoring Committee Meeting Agenda 7-22- 2014
This is the Mentoring Committee's agenda for July 22, 2014.
Academic Staff Mentoring Committee
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Hiram Smith Hall, Room 225
1:30pm – Welcome New Members
1:40pm - Review Agenda
1:45pm – Approve Minutes from June 10, 2014
1:48pm – Announcements
1:50pm – Discussion
1. New Meeting time and location
2. Chair/Co-Chair Nominations
3. Rep for Annual Academic Staff Governance Planning Meeting , August 29 9am-1pm Pyle Center, Room 309
a. Scott?
4. ID CASI Chairs
5. How to proceed with our new charge
6. Vote on Annual Report
7. Events/Professional Development
8. Administrative documentation
2:20pm – Action Items
2:30pm - Adjourn