Friday, December 12, 2014
9:00 - 10:00 am
Memorial Union
Members Present: Jeff Armstrong, Jeff Bohrer, Nick Ewoldt, Stephanie Jones, John Klatt, Chris Lupton, Alison Rice, Curtis Ryals
The meeting was called to order at 9:03 am.
Guest: Julie Klein, Division of Continuing Studies (DCS)
See November PDRC minutes for background details.
DCS has plans to give course vouchers to ~6 classified staff award winners per year and reached out about doing something similar for academic staff; Jeff Russell met with ASEC and was directed to PDRC. DCS classes are not limited to professional development but also personal enrichment; also smaller dollar amount compared to PDRC programs like Exec Ed grants. DCS is considering criteria of “meaningful learning experience” to evaluate funding requests if a program similar to PD Grants or Exec Ed Grants was pursued. DCS has an internal staff enrichment committee that could liaison with PDRC. DCS is open to recommendations of approach from PDRC; current Exec Ed application could be model (two brief, open-ended questions); committee members discussed concerns, including committee’s existing workload and match with professional development purview of committee.
Following Julie's departure, discussion covered a wide array of possible benefits and concerns regarding various approaches. In the end, three options emerged that the committee wanted to put forward as possibilities:
1. Give directly to award winners (easiest, potential trial run, but might be a mismatch)
2. Given directly to applicants to other PDRC programs, perhaps those who did not receive awards, perhaps selected randomly
3. Provide awareness of opportunity through PDRC site and use of electronic application system (with approval of Secretary’s office) but DCS reviews and awards.
Jeff A will write up and present to DCS as three options not ranked.
Automatic consent business
- November minutes were approved without dissent.
Standing subcommittee reports
- PD Grants: Amy/Stephanie J.
no report
- Awards: Elisabeth/Jeff B./John
Campus awards due early January; John will send out access info to subcommittee members
System awards application deadline Dec. 5; responses due to campus Secretary’s office 12/17 for passing to UWS by 12/19
- Exec Ed Grants: Jay/Alison
no report
Committee business
- Award for Excellence in Research in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences - TABLED
- Committee size
Curtis explained background of this topic; past interest by PDRC to expand to 16 in order to manage work and deal with membership turnover and maintain historical knowledge
Jeff A. suggested that model for reviewing awards using past recipients could serve as model for PD grants where committee could invite past recipients to review PD applications.
Recommendation to continue this discussion at next meeting
- Academic Staff governance priorities for 2014-2015
o Ad hoc subcommittee on funding professional development grants – no updates.
o Promotion/communication
Curtis met with AS communications committee which is supportive of recognizing nominees who did not receive award; more discussion to follow at next PDRC meeting.
o OHRD's existing opportunities: email additional suggestions to Jeff A; concerns about committee being responsible for checking links, given turnover; suggested link maintenance be responsibility of Secretary’s office
The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 am.