Topics Map > Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee (PPPC) > 2014-2015

PPPC Meeting Agenda - April 29, 2015

Agenda for the PPPC meeting on April 29, 2015

PPPC Meeting 

Wednesday April 29, 2015 
Middleton Building, room 304 (1305 Linden Drive)
1:00 PM


  1. ASEC Election timing.
  2. The use of the term "emeritus" in ASPP, intent, and alternatives.
  3. Election ties and how they should be handled
  4. Annual PPPC luncheon dates
  5. Any new or returning or forgotten business.

Keywordspersonnel policies procedures committee academic staff   Doc ID51032
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2015-05-01 15:05:29Updated2020-07-13 16:10:27
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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