Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Heather Mc Fadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Kevin Niemi; Robert Newsom; Deb Shapiro
Guests: Kim Pinch
The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.
The minutes of June 18, 2015, were approved.
General Reports
ASEC Chair Heather McFadden welcomed Aaron Crandall as a new member of ASEC. She reported on the first chairs’ chat of the new year, stating that there are plans to appoint a cross-governance subcommittee to look at Ch. 6 committees after the ASEC Ad Hoc Committee finishes its work. That subcommittee will then reach out to the affected committees to discuss any possible changes. Heather M. also reported that the university staff have identified 20 goals to work on in the coming year. Finally, she announced that Becci Menghini is leaving her role as the Chancellor’s chief of staff. Marianne Bird Bear has been appointed as the interim chief of staff until someone can be hired.
Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that a new version of ASPP has been distributed with an effective date of July 10. Changes include updates to Chapter 7 as well as others. A copy of the Bottom-up Review Committee’s report was distributed to ASEC members. Appointment letters have been distributed to new committee members, and thank you letters have been sent to those rotating off. The Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Supervision is scheduled to meet in late July. There will also be a meeting of the various Secretaries of Academic Staff, Faculty, and University Staff in early August. Heather D. reported that as of July 1, if the State budget proposal becomes law as currently written, the Board of Regents can no longer approve indefinite appointments. Heather is working with the Area Review Committee chairs regarding next steps. She also attended and reported on the June meeting of the Athletic Board.
Liaison Reports
Ad Hoc ASEC FPP Ch. 6 Committee Sarah Kuba reported that the committee held its first meeting. The committee plans to examine existing and proposed committees according to current definitions of faculty committees and shared governance committees in FPP.
Convened in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss appointments or nominations to Commission on Fraternities and Sororities, Academic Staff Appeals Committee, Area Review Committee-Humanities/Social Sciences, Area Review Committee-Administration, Student Services, and Library, Library Committee, Labor Code & Licensing Advisory Committee, University Academic Planning Council and Campus Planning Committee (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
Reconvened in Open Session (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
Motion to nominate Megan O’Rourke to the Labor Code and Licensing Advisory Committee, Andrew Irving to the Area Review Committee-Humanities/Social Sciences, JoAnne Lehman to the Area Review Committee-Administrative/Student Services/Library, and to appoint Carol Pech to the Library Committee. Seconded. Approved.
Open Meetings Law
Heather D. offered a reminder on open meetings law as it applies to ASEC meetings.
Professional Development Sessions for ASEC
ASEC expressed a desire to have sessions around Robert’s Rules, specifics on the new budget model (with Vice Chancellor Bazzell), and HR Design. Training sessions from AASCU and ACE were also suggested.
ASEC Chair, Vice Chair and Member Duties
ASEC reviewed a draft document detailing duties for the chair, vice chair, and members. ASEC will return to this document at the next meeting for further discussion.\
Liaison Assignments
Aaron Crandall will serve as liaison to the SMPH and the School of Nursing CASIs.
Bruno Browning will serve as liaison to the CALS CASI, as well as to the Districting and Representation Committee
Motion to appoint Deb Shapiro to the University Academic Planning Council and Aaron Crandall to the Campus Planning Committee. Seconded. Approved.
Shared Governance Letter from Chancellor
Heather M. discussed the letter with the chairs of the other governance groups and will discuss possible suggested edits at the next meeting.
General Safety Committee Proposal
Chairs of safety-related committees and directors of safety-related programs recently sent a proposal to the Chancellor that the General Safety Committee be re-established. ASEC was generally in favor of the idea.
Priority Survey Results
ASEC discussed the initial report of the survey results, which included the data analysis provided by Robert and the summaries of the open response questions by Jake. Robert and Jake will meet to discuss how best to present the results at the meeting.
The dates for this year’s two-part planning meeting will be August 10, 1:30pm – 3:30pm, and August 20, 10:30am – 1:30pm. Survey results will be sent to participants by July 31 so they can prepare accordingly. Assembly members will be invited to the August 10 session.
Assembly Representatives/Alternates and Shared Governance Committee Orientation
This year’s orientation will be held at Union South on September 11 from 11:30am – 1:30pm. The format will follow last year’s, with the exception of there being a breakout session so that Assembly reps/alts and shared governance committee members can each have their own panel discussion.
Shared Governance Discussion
ASEC discussed ways to strengthen academic staff governance institutionally at UW-Madison. The chairs of the shared governance groups have also discussed this issue. ASEC began a conversation regarding the goals of academic staff governance on campus and will return to this issue at the next meeting.
Next ASEC Meeting, July 23, 2015
Shared Governance Discussion
Guest: Marsha Mailick, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education
Meeting adjourned at 4:23 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Deputy Secretary of the Academic Staff
ASEC Minutes
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff