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Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 02-27-20

Approved 3/5/20

ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, February 27, 2020
53 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Donna Cole; Jenny Dahlberg; Tim Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Mallory Musolf; Leslie Petty; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler

Guests: Michael Bernard-Donals, Aaron Bird Bear, Heather Daniels, Karl Scholz

The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m.

The minutes of February 20, 2020 were approved.

General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC chair, reported on a meeting that he, Mallory, and Jake had with OHR. They discussed the current status of teaching titles and provided feedback on the recent TTC forums. He also reported that ASM had a first reading of its amnesty through responsible action policy resolution.

Jake Smith, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that the Academic Staff Institute held on February 25 was well attended and well received. The Athletic Board Selection Committee has reviewed applications and will be scheduling interviews in the near future. The Ad Hoc Committee on the Implementation of the Youth Protection Policy has issued some initial recommendations in advance of its final report in late March.

Liaison Reports
Donna Cole attended both the Engineering and SMPH CASI meetings. TTC was a topic of concern at both meetings.

Jenny Dahlberg reported that the west end CASIs will be hosting a professional development session on May 11 from 8:30 – 12:00. The Veterinary Medicine CASI met for the first time in a year. They are setting up forums for April for topics including TTC and parking impacts from construction.

Bill Tishler reported on the February 25 University Committee meeting. Topics discussed included the proposed title of teaching faculty, international services, and the protest policy guidelines.

Stephanie Elkins reported on recent discussions around campus about prevention of hostile and intimidating behavior and agreement on behavioral norms. This may be a future topic of discussion for the WPM CASI.

Guest: Karl Scholz, Provost 
Provost Scholz and ASEC discussed the work to create a land acknowledgment statement. There is currently an ad hoc committee working on one for the Academic Staff Assembly. There was also a recent meeting of the UW Native Nations Working Group where this was discussed. In order to create a strong land acknowledgment, it asks a lot of both Native Nations and the campus to do it right. The notion was raised of forming a group to do this for all 4 constituencies as opposed to only the Assembly. The Provost will raise this with the executive council for further consideration and will report the outcome back to ASEC.

ASEC raised concerns around more aggressive pursuit of lecturers and other instructional staff by companies attempting to solicit them to create work that is sold to students. Provost Scholz will follow up on this issue with the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning.

The charge of the policy library working group is finalized, and the membership is almost finalized. The first meeting is scheduled for March 11, and there will be monthly meetings throughout the rest of 2020. Provost Scholz also shared that two of the three recently announced Vice Provost positions have been posted (Facutly and Staff Programs, Teaching and Learning). The position of Vice Provost for Academic Operations should also be posted soon.

March Assembly Agenda
Motion to approve the March Assembly agenda (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
Review of Diversity Committee Charge
ASEC reviewed the draft charge that was composed by Leslie, Donna, and Stephanie. ASEC approved the charge with minor amendments. ASEC also discussed the composition of the committee and will return to this topic at their next meeting.
Committee Representative Selection Process
ASEC postponed this discussion until the next meeting.
Topics for Guests
VCFA – ATP (timeline), Revenue Innovation Study Group, internships in financial areas for underrepresented populations, modernizing work environment for employees (part time options, job share, remote working)
TTC – presences of professorial titles in SJD library; question of FTE requirements for supervisory roles being in SJDs; OHR directives to create division-level SJDs

Guest: Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
Vice Provost Bernard-Donals discussed bystander intervention training. Tamie Klumpyan in the Office of Human Resources developed a workshop that is related to bystander behavior. This is related to but not exclusively about instances of hostile and intimidating behavior. The training is being rolled out this spring after a pilot process in the fall. There are 5 workshops scheduled, and they all filled up quickly, suggesting a great need for this training.

Vice Provost Bernard-Donals also discussed ASEC’s draft charge to their proposed diversity committee. He thought the language was good, and he cautioned ASEC that data may be hard to obtain.

Regarding his transition out of the Vice Provost position, Vice Provost Bernard-Donals will be putting his efforts into diversity, particularly the ASPIRE initiative to diversity STEM faculty; the teaching professor title, with a small working group to finalize the guidelines; and mentoring, including the proposed Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, VCRGE mentoring for graduate students and postdocs, and another initiative that is focused on faculty and instructional and clinical academic staff.

Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss Appointment to the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee and Nominations to the Secretary of the Academic Staff Search and Screen Committee. (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to Convene in Open Session. (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.
Appointment and Nominations
Motion to appoint Cori Splain to the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to nominate Jenny Dahlberg, Stephanie Elkins, Denny Hackel, Jason Jankoski, Sarah Kuba, and Alissa Oleck to the Secretary of the Academic Staff Search and Screen Committee (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 4:51 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff**

**Portion of closed session related to the Secretary of the Academic Staff Search and Screen Committee was conducted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Faculty. Minutes related to that part of the meeting were also submitted by Secretary Daniels.

KeywordsASEC Minutes   Doc ID98673
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2020-03-11 13:02:03Updated2020-07-13 11:16:16
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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