Results: 1-20 of 100

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1ASA Document 079. May 1, 1991, Nominating Committee Annual Report, 5-13-91335232020-07-132492
2ASA Document 098. Motions on Ad Hoc Assembly Rep. Activities Committee Report338162020-07-132565
3ASA Document 097. Nominating Committee Ballot, 5-11-92338152020-07-132439
4ASA Document 096. Compensation & Economic Benefits Committee Ballot, 5-11-92338142020-07-132592
5ASA Document 085. Memorial Resolution for Manly Draper, 12-09-91338022020-07-132420
6ASA Document 084. ASPRO Advisory Committee Ballot, 12-09-91338012020-07-132473
7ASA Document 083. Initial ASEC Slate for Spring 1992 Election, 12-09-91335272020-07-132550
8ASA Document 082. 9-13-91 Report of the UW-Madison Ad Hoc Electronic Data Advisory Committee 11-11-91335262020-07-132520
9ASA Document 081. Memorial Resolution for Steven Keating Lowe, 10-14-91335252020-07-132373
10ASA Document 080. Bylaws Addition: Review Committee for Scholarly Misconduct Decisions, 9-16 and 10-14, 1991335242020-07-132677
11ASA Document 092. Consensual Relations Statement, 3-16-92338102020-07-132823
12ASA Document 078. April 17, 1991 Report of the UW-Madison Ad Hoc Electronic Data Advisory Committee, 5-13-91335222020-07-132636
13ASA Document 077. 1991 CEBC Annual Report, 5-13-91335202020-07-132474
14ASA Document 076. 1991 PDRC Ballot, 5-13-91335192020-07-132441
15ASA Document 075. 1991 PPPC Ballot, 5-13-91335182020-07-132380
16ASA Document 074. 1991 CEBC Ballot, 5-13-91335172020-07-132585
17ASA Document 073. 1991 Nominating Committee Ballot, 5-13-91335162020-07-132502
18ASA Document 072. Scholarly Misconduct Document, 2-11-91335152020-07-132734
19ASA Document 071. Resolution Supporting UW-Madison Gay Men and Lesbians, 2-11-91335142020-07-132554
20ASA Document 070. CEBC Salary Range Resolution, 2-11-91: NOT PUT ON AGENDA335122020-07-132600
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