Results: 1-20 of 36

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Academic Staff Assembly October 2019 Follow Up Materials377232024-02-165814
2ASA Document 712. Report on 2018-19 Academic Staff Assembly Business980042024-02-121964
3Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 05-11-201058262020-09-152015
4Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 03-09-201007472020-07-132086
5Academic Staff Assembly September 2019 Meeting Follow Up Materials406482020-07-131974
6Academic Staff Assembly November 2019 Follow Up Materials366612020-07-131931
7Academic Staff Assembly Documents 09-09-19897782020-07-132549
8Academic Staff Assembly Materials 11-11-19897802020-07-132274
9Academic Staff Assembly Documents 10-14-19398142020-07-132357
10Academic Staff Assembly Meeting Minutes 02-10-20986702020-07-131838
11Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 12-9-19978852020-07-131696
12ASA Document 724. Resolution Objecting to the Composition of the University of Wisconsin System President Search and Screen Committee965412020-07-131724
13ASA Document 723. Resolution Regarding Assembly Districts and the March-May 2020 Assembly Meetings965402020-07-131868
14ASA Document 718. ASPP Changes Chapter 14957712020-07-131792
15Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 10-14-19957722020-07-132189
16ASA Document 720. Resolution to Endorse the Wiscard Emergency Contact Resolution959782020-07-131813
17ASA Document 719. Resolution to Create Land Acknowledgment Statement959772020-07-131968
18ASA Document 717. Memorial Resolution for Wayne P. Pferdehirt957692020-07-131857
19Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 09-09-19950922020-07-132305
20Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 11-11-19965392020-07-131996
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